Hot Sauce Habits [X and EX]

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(June 10, 2020)

(sorry for lack of btbh stuff)

(A week or so ago, I saw a headcanon on the Hermittpad Reacp Discord server [If you want the link, go to the account, it should be there.] I don't remember who said it, but if you're reading this and want to be credited, please comment here)

(But yes, it's more X and EX stuff)

WC (water closet?): 1681 words
Warning: it sounds like X has a drinking problem if you read it out of context, but i assure you, it's not. he just likes to spite his brother. also, a bottle is smashed and shattered.


Siblings do weird and concerning things all the time, and eventually, you get used to it. Eventually, you'll start to see it as normal. Whether it's a weird phrase they say, or a random habit, you won't bat an eye if they do it in public, where others would stare and be judgmental.

However, EX still can't get over the fact that Xisuma sometimes downs the whole bottle of hot sauce without drinking water or milk afterwards.

"Would you sToP tHaT?" EX cried, throwing his hands into the air. Xisuma quickly slipped his helmet back on and looked at his brother through the black visor, arching an eyebrow. EX glared at him, pounding his fist on the table from the lack of response.

The admin set the empty bottle on the dinner table, the glass bottom thumping on the wooden table. Glaring daggers even harder now, EX cleared his throat, expecting an answer. The Hermit heaved a sigh, the corners of his lips twitching upwards behind the helmet.

"Stop what, now?" Xisuma finally asked, feigning innocence. The red clad man groaned, dragging his hands down the front of his helmet.

"Stop drinking the hot sauce like it's water! This is like... the third bottle this week, and it's a Tuesday!" X looked at the hot sauce bottle, then raised his gaze to his brother.

"Yeah, one a day."

EX facepalmed, "No- X, we'll have to go to the store in the Minecraft Hub thing soon-"

"Good." Xisuma smirked, and it, unfortunately, was visible in his eyes.

"I'm not buying it for you anymore then," his brother threatened, clearly seeing the smirk. Xisuma pouted, and crossed his arms.

"Fine, I'll do it myself."

EX shook his head, muttering under his breath, "I swear there's something in that liquid." In a more clear voice, he continued, "Have you checked the ingredients?"

"Don't worry, nothing illegal. I like to spite you and hot sauce is really good-" X tried to insist, only to be cut off with EX shaking his head furiously.

"Are you mental?" he asked, readjusting the helmet. It had become offset in the midst of his movement.

"If I am, then you are too." Xisuma stood up and made his way to the shared bedroom in his base. EX sputtered and scrambled to follow him, tripping on his feet but managing to recover smoothly

"What- no, that's not how this works-"

And the twins continued to bicker late into the night.


A few days and a couple bottles of hot sauce later, the Void twins were strolling around the Shopping District. X had to refill his concrete shop, and EX was tagging along to 'taste the sun', according to his brother.

As the admin refilled his stock, he and his brother continued their argument from last night. With Xisuma trying to defend that downing hot sauce like he does it completely normal and EX insisting that there is something wrong with him, someone surely would have overheard their quarrel.

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