Immortal [Scar]

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(December 4, 2019)

Word Count: 392
Category: none
Warnings: none

He sat on his island, looking out at the water. He watched the sun set, slowly disappearing over the horizon. It was a beautiful sight... but he's seen that millions of times. However, he always thought it was an amazing sight, and it never got old.

He recalls first opening his eyes, feeling the grass underneath his body. He remembers everything, from the beginning of time, and to now. He always takes time to look back at his long past. The happy moments, sad moments, the bloody moments...

He thought of all the years passing, the friendships that have come and go, town and communities rise and fall, and emotions changing all the time. He watched as civilization expanded, developed, went through it's ups and downs, everything. He watched as they rose, crumbled, and rose again, in this never ending pattern.

He remembers joining Hermitcraft, the enlightened tone of his voice as he read the invitation, the light in his friend's eyes, the thought of leaving them to join a group of talented people...

He remembers when he fell out of the portal that brought him to Hermitcraft IV, stumbling into Cub's arms. The members were friendly as always, accepting him as one of their own. It was a new start, a new life, as he likes to say.

He traced a scar on his face, standing up and going back into his base. He sat on the edge of his bed, legs swinging and not quite touching the floor He always liked pondering the meaning of life in a quiet place. Well, his life. The life that seemed to last forever.

He's never referred to it as immortality. He's always called it a curse. One that seemingly lasts forever. He doesn't know where it began, and he doesn't know if it has an end. He's never told anyone about this curse or gift, but has always gone by the same name.


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