Proven Wrong (BTHB) [False]

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(May 20, 2020)

(Ah! Hi! Hello! Im not dead!

Ahh, sorry for not updating... I usually refuse to type on mobile because i cant see typos and im a slow typer on a phone. [You proud of my paragraphs?])
(I also typed most of this before an appointment so i kinda rushed part of it)

Box: Slammed Into Wall
Category: AU/none
Warnings: none

She slammed into the wall, grunting in pain as she fell to the flood with a thud. Her blond hair fell into her face, most of it plastered to her forehead with sweat.

False winced, rubbing her shoulder and glaring up at her mentor. They scowled down at her, turning away and folding their hands behind his back.

"I told you. Girls can't fight. I don't know why I bother teaching you," they said. False growled and clenched the leather hilt of the sword. She stabbed the blade into the ground, pulling herself up. The mentor turned around, an emotionless expression on their face.

"I told you to give up. You're not going to succeed." False yanked the sword up, inspecting the iron blade and ignoring their words. The blade was slightly bent, the tip dulled from the wooden ground.

"And I told you, I'm going to prove you wrong," False hissed, leveling her sword to the mentor's chest. They narrowed their eyes, grasping their diamond sword.

Clang clang clang. Yelp. Splinter of wood. A hiss of pain. Jumping around. Clang clang.

Years went by. Cuts, bruises, and broken bones were gathered and healed. Skill level increased. Confidence rose.

But before the mentor could be proud that False had taken down and defeated every other student he had, she had left for a new life.


Hermitcraft. A new place. A new group of people.

"Falsie! Going to participate in the PvP thingy?" Ren called out, swooping down with an elytra. False adjusted her goggles with a she shrugged. "It'll be fun! You should come! I've seen you demolish the mobs, you should try, or at least spectate. Please?"

"Oh, alright," she said, fingering the hilt of her enchanted diamond sword. Ren grinned, gesturing to False to follow him.

In a short amount of them, Iskall and False were surrounded by the other Hermits who guessed on whi was going to win. Few people guessed False, no one had seen her PvP asnother player.

Iskall and False locked eyes. The latter put her left hand behind her back, loosely grasping the sword's hilt. The former smirked, thinking he'd wipe the floor clean.

False let him believe that. In the first half, she stood almost in one place, heels planted in the floor, only moving when Iskall attacked.

She analyzed his fighting style. Lots of baiting, bursts of offensive attacks ending with a twirl of his sword, just barely smirking when he's going to have those bursts...

The female Hermit waited. She waited for another twirl, indicating the end of a full attack.

To False's amusement, no one seemed to realize how she only moved five blocks at most during the harsher attacks or the fact that every blow Iskall dealt did not break her guard. Shouldn't that have been some sort of warning that she was well-versed with the sword?

She mentally shrugged. Apparently not.

Unfortunately for her, Iskall managed to disarm her. The diamond sword flew away, clattering near Xisuma's feet.

Every Hermit watching must have thought she was done for.

False cartwheeled back as Iskall advanced, pulling a random sword out of her inventory. The Hermit raised it horizontally, blocking an overhand attack. She stepped back, before realizing the sword she grabbed was the one used in training.

Before Iskall could react, he found himself on the ground, half a heart, and cuts all over the place. False tood iver him, the sword's tip under hus chin.

Flase looked down the blade, the dented metal and the dulled tip threatening Iskall's life. Her eyes widened and she pulled away.

Iskall's eyes examined the blade, hints of blood- his blood, he realized- dotting the edges. Right then and there, he knew he stood no chance against False.

False expected Iskall to yell at her, to scold her for not doing this, for doing that, for making this mistake, for messing up that.

Instead, he had the largest grin on his face she had ever seen.

"I don't even know what happened bro. That. Was. Amazing!" False held her hand out with an abashed grin, pulling Iskall to his feet.

They turned to the other Hermits. Much to False's amusement, various expressions of shock were etched on their faces.

And that's the day the Hermits learned to definitely not get on her bad side.

(At this point Xisuma should appear in all of these bthb for tradition lol)
(And uh. Lets just say the hermits hadnt know about here pvp yet? Idk plotholes yay)
(Also what if False cut her hair short during her training?)

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