---Season 7/8 Divider---

622 33 15

(June 1, 2021)

Yeah no there's no way I'm going to be able to write anything significant for the season change. Maybe I'll try tonight, but it'll probably only be a drabble.

And I'll probably get back into the swing of writing next week... also through small drabbles. Take it one step at a time.

But just

Two more days of school left

A couple more assessments

C'mon Quill

You can do it





I have Xisuma and/or Evil X concepts/headcanons and storylines I could share that I also don't feel like writing out at the moment-

Would that work as an apology and make up for the last two months of radio silence

The Google document literally has almost three thousand words

Three thousand words of X and/or EX content lmao what am I doing with my life

(Literally the majority of them I've shared with an online friend you know who you are lmao-)


Thanks for checking in lol, have a wonderful rest of your day

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