Traveler [X, EX, and Grian]

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(A/N: this was requested by a friend of mine.)

(November 17th, 2019)

Word Count: 468 words
Category: none
Warnings: none

"Hey, relax, be nice to me." Xanthus whined.

"You're a grown man. You should act like it, but you don't." Xisuma said, as he placed more rockets into his inventory. He stood up with his brother following him.

"Heh, not sure I could say the same about you."

"And I agree with that." Xisuma said, smirking.

"I... dang it. I don't have anything to insult you with again." EX laughed, lightly punching his brother's shoulder. Xisuma smiled, reaching for the handle for the front door. As he opened it, some smaller person fell, as if he tripped over something.

Xanthus stepped out of the way, avoiding the falling person. Xisuma tried to catch the other person, but failed and dropped him anyway.

"Uh, this is a weird way to travel into a dimension." He said, looking around. The color of his eyes were bright blue, and his dark brown hair was almost to his jaw. He had a couple small scars on his face. He was well built, so you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of his punch.

"Are you alright?" Xisuma asked. The newcomer nodded, picking himself off the ground. Xisuma looked over to his brother, who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Rude." He muttered. EX raised an eyebrow, flipping his hair over his shoulder. Xisuma rolled his eyes and looked at the shorter person.

"How did you get here, kid? This server is whitelisted."

"I can travel dimensions. This is the Hermitcraft server, correctamundo?" Both X and EX nodded. "Yeah, I'm from a Hermitcraft server that's in a different dimension. And I'm 29 years old, not a kid."

"Really? You look like a teenager." Xanthus commented. Xisuma slapped him upside the head as the newcomer smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. When I first jumped a dimension, I was 22 years old. The Mumbo Jumbo in that universe called me a 12 year old. I believe you know who he is?" Xanthus scowled and nodded. The 29 year old gazed straight into Xanthus' eyes, bright blue eyes piercing through him. EX noticed something, though. The other's left eye was slightly cloudy. There was a small scar over his eye. Before he had a chance to ask, the other started talking again.

"And in the other dimension, your name was Xerxes." Xanthus looked confused, but didn't say anything.

"You clearly know about us." Xisuma started. "But who are you? I don't recognize you." The smaller man smirked and raised one eyebrow in amusement.

"Well, Xisumavoid and Evil Xisumvoid, it's nice to meet you in this universe. My name is Grian."

(A/N: how did grian know xisuma's name was the same? i don't know, um... author magic?)

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