chapter 62

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you stand at the shore with an older guy he looks to be about 20 years old. you shake hands before you both start to paddle out. he makes conversation.

guy | how old are you?

A | i'm 17. you?

guy | 22

i guessed it

guy | you're a little young to be competing in expert.

A | until i fucking beat you.

you mumble.

guy | what?

A | oh i just said that i get that a lot.

guy | so you've been surfing a long time then.

A | as long as i can remember.

guy | cool. i started around your age.

A | high schools a good time.

guy | right.

you hear the whistle blow meaning you've gone far enough.

A | anyways. good luck.

guy | you too.

you watch as the first wave comes and you know he's going to take it. but you? no. you're not a fool. you watch him make his take off as the next wave approaches. not that one. not the next. you look back and see the guy almost finished then you see your wave. you take it and blow everyone away. it had to be your best yet. you make it to shore and there's a little bit of clapping. you shake the guys hand.

A | well done.

he nods. you can tell he's kind of annoyed and jealous but doesn't want to show it. next on is bryce. you run over to him and give him a hug.

A | you got this you big loser.

B | can't beat that show.

A | oh it wasn't that good.

B | shut the fuck up.

he says walking away. you slap him in the back.

A | good ride shawtayy.

you hear him laugh and you pass your board off to inspectors again. you run back to the spectator tents where payton and amber are waiting for you. you jump into payton's arms.

P | that was insane!

Am | you literally did so good.

P | you blew that guy out of the water!! i'm so proud of you.

he puts you down.

P | look you got my shirt all wet.

A | it looks good on you.

he laughs while you give amber a hug.

P | do you need anything to eat?

A | yeah i'm starving.

P | okay i can buy you whatever.

A | i get it free because i'm a surferrrr

P | really?

A | yup.

you and payton start walking toward the food tent.

A | you coming amber?

Am | i'm going to sit and wait for bryce.

A | okay. we won't be long.

she smile back. you walk down the beach hand in hand with payton. you are waiting in line for food when payton says.

P | have you thought about... uhh going public with our relationship?

you look at him as his eyes kind of wander. you grab his other hand and he looks you in the eyes.

A | we can do whatever you want. as long as you're ready i am.

P | really?

A | 100%. i'm ready to take on the world with you.

he smiles and kisses your forehead. you two grab food and get back to amber just in time to watch bryce. he did absolutely amazing. he runs back to you all. really proud of himself. as he should be.

A | you did fucking amazing!

B | thank you audrey.

A | anytime boss.

you all gather as they start listing off the
podium section by section starting with kiddie. it's now time for advanced (maggie's group)

announcer | in fifth place we have hebert brady. in fourth place we have vincent baker. top 3. in 3rd place we have douglas freely...

A | she has to have this.

you whisper to bryce amber and payton.

announcer | second place we have....

B | maggie maggie maggie.

announcer | jose heartman.

B | damn.

A | come on... first place!!

announcer | and finally the champion in the advanced level is... maggie johnson!


P | YES!!!!



she comes running over to you with her medal and absolutely tackles you to the ground.




B | good job maggie.

Am | congrats.

announcer | can we have experts over to the podium now. experts to the podium.

P | good luck baby.

you give him a hug and a kiss and walk off with bryce. they start making announcements then finally the final 5.

announcer | in 5th place jacob seltzer. in 4th place dana konley. top 3.

you heart starts racing and you shake your hands because you're anxious. bryce grabs your hand calming you down.

B | it's okay audrey.

you take a deep breath.

announcer | in third place we have jordan hall.

cheers flow through the crowd.

announcer | in second place.... bryce demarcus.

B | holy cow.


you give him the biggest hug before he walks up the podium. he smiles at you from all the way up there.

announcer | and finally the moment you've all been waiting for. the winner of the expert surfing here in cocoa beach florida is....

you can hear you heart beating. your heads are sweating. your knees ache. the beach seems to go quiet.

announcer | audrey little.

you cover your mouth with hands in complete disbelief. everyone is clapping and a few people who know you are patting you on the back and pushing you toward the podium. time seems not real. you look down at your feet. you are walking to the TOP of the podium in EXPRT LEAUGE. you pass bryce who is cheering you on a patting your back. they give you a heavy metal. another man hands you the trophie.

photographer | look here. everyone say COCOA!

all | COCOA!!

he snaps your photo and a man takes the trophie to display you take it home at the end of the night. bryce literally tackles you.



Word Count: 1022

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