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Author: khateh
Title: Nets
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After being an Auror for fifteen years, Harry has started developing a personal project which he thinks could help many people.
Warnings (if any): pre-slash
Total word count: ~8300


"The Nets failed, Mr. Potter."

Harry bit his lower lip and wondered if the Aurors would come and save their esteemed leader if he was to throttle him. "They can’t fail if they’re used properly. I’ve tested them extensively and you had your own people test them before-"

"The Nets failed last night and one of Aurors was injured."

Amel Andrews was the Head Auror, a man with a fox-like face and traits to match his appearance. Harry could still remember the press-impressing speech Andrews gave when Harry left the Aurors and he could still remember the grin Andrews couldn’t quite hide when Harry came back two years later to sell his magical Nets to the Auror Division.

"Did he use the Net properly?" Harry asked, refusing to back down.

Andrews shrugged. "The Auror Division functioned quite well without your Nets, and it has had several failures since we started using them." He got up and his nose twitched, probably in satisfaction at what he was about to say. "I’m afraid we won’t work together anymore, at least not for this."

"My Nets could help your men avoid danger and make their life a lot easier, but if they-" He shrugged and got up. Andrews had already made up his mind, and there was no point in giving him another chance to say that Harry was bitter or desperate for a job. "I hope your work will be a lot better now that you don’t have to deal with my Nets." He shook Andrews’ hand and exited the office before the man had the chance to come up with a reply.

Quickly making his way past the Auror’s office, he headed for the lift, ignoring the looks he received from the people who knew him or whom he’d worked with.


Harry closed his eyes and clenched his fists. Why did it all have to happen in one day?

"Interesting that I see you here. Last I heard, you quit being an Auror because…" Malfoy paused for a few seconds, the damned git, and continued in an amused tone, "I can’t recall. Were the jobs you had too small for the great war hero?"

Harry opened his eyes when the lift arrived and walked in quickly, hoping Malfoy would be too stuck in his fantasy world to remember to walk in.

No such luck. "The Atrium," Malfoy said slowly. "Really, Potter. I expected you to be more sociable. Lack of human companionship made you –"

"I really don’t want to listen to you today, Malfoy." Harry looked at him and noticed that despite his lofty words, Malfoy looked far from happy or at ease. He had dark circles under his eyes, his skin was sickly pale, and he looked like he’d been hunted down here by something awful instead of coming of his own free will. "You look like you don’t have too much energy to spare these days, either."

Malfoy closed his mouth with an audible snap and Harry shook his head. They really should keep their interactions to distant nods with hundreds of people around them.

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