Getting There (1/2)

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Author: irrelevant
Title: Getting There (Part 1 of 2)
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Summary: In which Scorpius Hyperion temporarily Misplaces his temper, Harry learns to Hate His Mobile, and Malfoy cultivates the Elusive.
Warnings: Post DH, epilogue compliant, implied infidelity, and snark: lots of it.
Total word count: 14,200

Getting There Part 1 of 2

-and that was then, but this?


“About.” Scorpius Malfoy arranged his flying leathers neatly in his trunk then lifted a pile of black fabric from his mattress. Shaking the crumpled material out, he looked at the girl stretched across his bed, head propped against one hand. “You?”

Laughter glinted in grey-green eyes. “Of course.”

From remarks made by fellow students, Scorpius deduced that as far as ocular endowment went, Rose Weasley was blessed. He couldn’t speak to the matter himself; in the five years they’d known each other, he’d yet to evade the mind behind said blessing long enough to form an opinion on such a superfluous matter as physical appearance.

“Thinking too hard about too many things at once is dangerous, you know,” said the bright, impatient girl with the presumably pretty eyes. “You’ll hurt yourself.”

Case in point, thought Scorpius. Like called to like. One’s intellectual equal could and did cut one down to size in half the time it took one’s halfwit enemy to hit on an appropriate insult. And on that note: “Good advice from someone who knows first hand,” he said.

“Too right.” Rose reached out, trailed her ink-stained fingers down the formal robes draped over Scorpius’ arm. “I don’t know why you insist on doing it that way. We’ve wands.”

“And house-elves. But house-elves never get it right and in my experience, neither does magic.”

“You’re worse than the Slytherin fashion brigade,” Rose sniffed.

Scorpius’ lips curled into what some might have mistaken for a smile. “Yes,” he agreed, “but I’ve it on good authority that there are things even worse. While I’m undoubtedly a freak, at least I’m not Draco Malfoy.”

Rose’s mouth flattened into a tight line. Her much admired eyes darkened. “Someone ought to have put your grandfather out of your misery years ago.”

“It’s a thought.” Scorpius’ hands closed momentarily on soft fabric. He relaxed his grip and smoothed the cloth out, settling it atop his flying leathers and closing the lid of his trunk. He traced the monogram carved into Charmed cedar with one finger and glanced sideways Rose, his mouth once more curved around the not-smile. “The quote is Mother’s, though.”

“Your mother,” Rose started to say, but Scorpius shook his head, silencing her before conversation degenerated into rant.

“I’ve heard your thoughts on the subject, Weasley. They have been noted.”

“Noted and rejected, you mean,” snorted Rose. “I’ve often the urge to murder various and sundry of my relatives but it goes away after a thorough hexing on their parts. Your family, though… Remind me. Why is that lot still breathing? I’m sure I don’t know.”

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