Someday We'll Know (1/2)

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Author: megan_sage
Title: Someday We’ll Know (Part 1 of 2)
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/Drama
Summary: Sometimes, what you’re looking for was there all along, you just never noticed before.
Warnings: Mentions of previous relationships. Unrequited love. DH compliant, but slightly not.
Word count: Just over 10,000

Someday We'll Know Part 1 of 2

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Ron asked. Harry felt like he had heard this question dozens of times so he didn’t stop pulling his clothes out of the wardrobe and packing them into his old, worn-out trunk. Ron didn’t understand why Harry wanted to leave, why he wouldn’t settle down with Ginny and be his legal brother, even it was only considered to be an ‘in-law’. Or be his, for real. Just his, in every sense of the word. He led Harry to believe that he wanted him to settle down with Ginny, but he secretly realised that it was just another lie to add to the already immense pile of lies after lies after lies. If he was honest with himself, for once in his life, he’d admit that Harry was all he had ever wanted. And now that Harry was walking out of his life for seemingly forever, he was realising none of his dreams for the future were ever going to be fact. They’d always just be dreams- not that it would have changed anyway, since Harry believed that there was a thing between him and Hermione (He shuddered, as if) and besides, there was always Ginny with her similar desires.

“Ron,” Harry said, leaning against the wardrobe. He knew what Ron wanted, what everyone expected of him now that the war was over, what people hoped he would do. Harry was tired of following in the pre-walked footsteps. “I need this. Isn’t that enough?”

And as Ron looked into his best mate’s eyes, he knew that Harry really did need it. Plopping down on the bed, Ron couldn’t help but sigh heavily, questioning himself again as to why Harry didn’t know the truth. Wasn’t he enough for him? Didn’t what they had, the friendship that was bordering on something else, make Harry as happy as it made Ron, work for Harry as much as it worked for Ron? He played with the pillow at his fingertips and refused to look up to avoid answering the question. He didn’t even look up when Harry sat next to him and leaned into him.

“You’re acting as if I’m leaving and never going to come back.”

He just shrugged, since that was what it felt like to him.

“Ron, I’ll always be in contact and you can always come and visit me. I’ll only be gone a few years.”

“Bloody hell, a few years is a long time, Harry! We’ve never been apart for a few years.” In fact, they’d been together for the last 8 years, separate for more than a few months.

“We aren’t going to stop being friends,” Harry said, standing back up as Ron wished desperately that he’d sit back down and that he could enjoy the feeling of Harry’s natural warmth one last time. Charlie originally had said that he’d be back in a few years, and yet, he was still gallivanting around Romania with his dragons. Ron wouldn’t be able to bear it if the same thing happened with Harry.

“I know we aren’t, Harry, but I just don’t want you to lose sight of England as your home.”

“My home,” Harry said, enlarging the trunk and packing books into it, “will always be wherever you and Hermione are. Until I find someone for myself at least.”

At this, Ron crumpled and he fought back his tears at the sudden realization and confirmation that he’d always just be a friend to Harry. Looking up at his best mate as he crouched in front of an overflowing bookcase, he promised himself that he’d make himself into someone that Harry would want romantically. But, he sighed, if Harry found someone else, he would back off (not that he had ever made his feelings known) and let them be happy. He was startled out of his thoughts as the latches on Harry’s trunk clicked shut with a harsh snap. He looked up into bright green eyes and nodded. Harry grinned at him, shrinking the trunk and placing it into his knapsack along with an information guide on Australia, his first destination, and a few snacks that Hermione had made for him before she gave him a lingering hug and bustled off to work with tears in her eyes. Together, they walked down the stairs to where Clinton Samson was waiting- the man that was about to change everything (and break Ron’s heart) at the same time.

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