Like a Shag on a Rock (2/2)

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Like a Shag on a Rock Part 2 of 2

By the time they arrived back at the hotel, Draco was fractious and tired and Harry was about to pull his hair out listening to him. Carmel poured them both cool drinks and it was a testament to how tired Draco was that he barely argued that he was expected to drink beer, just accepted the drink and let Harry watch the cute way his throat worked as he swallowed the cold frothy drink.

“Stop staring, Harry, you’re making me nervous.”

“I have to for the cover,” Harry insisted. Not that it was true; he could easily not stare.

Draco merely gave him a knowing smirk. “It’s gone beyond the job, and you know it,” he said.

“No idea what you’re talking about,” Harry replied, grinning.

Draco waved his hand. “Fine. Whatever. But you can stop drooling, it’s most unbecoming.”

Carmel walked over with another couple of cold beers. “Oh, bite your bum, Princess. Does an old dear good to see you young ones all hot and bothered over each other.” Her bright eyes laughed at Draco when he roused himself to look shocked at being told to bite his bum. He opened his mouth to complain, but she stopped him. “No need to get shirty with me. Now, here, blow the froth off these.” She placed the fresh beers on the table. “While I remember, Chuckles was in here earlier looking for you two blokes. He had to shoot through, but he’ll be back later on.”

“Did he say what he wanted,” Harry asked. Carmel shook her head.

“Dunno, ducks, seemed a bit toey, but.”

“All right, we’ll be here when he gets back,” Harry said, shrugging.

“Right you are, then. Well, this fart-arsing around isn’t going to get my work done. See you boys at dinner, then. Lots of the regulars will be in by then. You’ll stay?”

Harry nodded. “If I can keep my hands off this one long enough.” He grinned and gave Draco a lascivious wink. Draco replied with a sickly, simpering smile of his own.

As she walked away, Harry leant closer to Draco, who’d seemed to have overcome his tiredness. “Wonder why he was looking for us. Do you think he might have seen through the cover?”

“It’s a possibility,” Draco nodded, the breath of his words close to Harry’s ear and sending small shivers along his spine.

“We’ll just take it as it comes, I guess.”

Just then Chuckles walked into the bar and he smiled at seeing Harry and Draco there. Harry noticed that his cold blue eyes didn’t smile, though, but he put it down to the man being a generally arrogant sort. “Keep on his good side, we need to get out to have a look at his place,” Harry whispered into Draco’s ear, before turning back to smile at Chuckles.

“G’day, boys,” Chuckles said as he dragged a chair out from the table and dropped his oversized body onto it.

“Hello, Chuckles,” Draco replied warily, though he did put a smile on his face. And Harry could have stood on the table and danced naked for all the attention Chuckles paid him. His eyes were firmly on Draco. He decided that he’d let Draco do the talking and see if they could organise getting out to see his property.

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