Through Faoran's Eyes (2/2)

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Through Faoran’s Eyes Part 2 of 2

Their serene life continued for another week, and with only one more week left to Draco’s holiday, Harry could honestly say he was dreading the end of their time together.

Harry grew so comfortable with the way the things were going that he almost forgot the reason why he was there in the first place. He had never felt this yearning to learn so much about something or someone that he actually applied scholarly attention to taking in as much as he could about this Draco. He only wished that he could have been in his human form so that he could respond in kind, but he knew that there was no way that he would be so forthcoming if he knew he was talking to Harry Potter.

Following tradition, as things often unfurled in his hectic young life, Harry was not too surprised when their fragile existence shattered around him.

All sorts of alarms rang as the Apparition wards were triggered on the property. Through the cacophony of the insistent ringing, Draco tried to reassure Beast, who had risen quickly from his place at Draco’s feet and made a run for the door.

Draco tried to avoid stepping on Beast as the animal insistently placed himself in front of him. A wave of the wand later and he rendered the door transparent.

Harry calmed down slightly when he recognised their visitor but was still wary. Polyjuice was not hard to make after all.

Draco reached over and released the wards, “Minister.”

Perplexed, he watched his superior turn to Beast and say “Swallowing Snitches gives bad stomach cramps” before turning to greet Draco.

“Hello, Malfoy. You’re looking well.” Shacklebolt shook his hand firmly but turned back and knelt to speak to the dog.

“I’m not so sure about paying you for this assignment, Potter, seeing as you saw no action.” He punched the canine playfully on the shoulder. “You were basically on holiday with Malfoy. All the action happened on the outside.”

Draco’s grey eyes grew wide in horrifying realisation. His downward gaze was met by the tilt of Beast--no Potter’s--head and the familiar hue of his eyes hit him dead in the chest and sunk in his stomach.

“We caught him, Malfoy,” Shacklebolt informed the silent blond, unaware of the turmoil he had unveiled with the delicacy of a drunken hippogriff. “He decided to go straight to your father.”

Draco reached out immediately for Shacklebolt grabbing a muscular forearm. “My parents?” he asked not caring one whit that his voice shook.

“Fine. Your parents are safe,” Shacklebolt assured him. “He didn’t make it past the wards, but we were there to capture him nonetheless. We’re holding him in Azkaban until his trail with the Wizengamot.It’s all unfortunate,. He lost his family in the war and needed to lash out and your family was one of the more notable ones involved with the Death Eaters, but there will be no room for vigilantes in our new regime and order will be kept,” he reassured the blond.

“Potter, what are you still doing in that form? You’ll won’t avoid doing the paperwork by saying you ate it,” he joked


The man turned quickly to the young man. “Is that all you needed me for?”
“Well, yes…. Everything is fine and Potter here did his job—“

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