On Falcon's Wings (1/3)

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Author: oldenuf2nb
Title: On Falcon’s Wings (Part 1 of 3)
Pairing(s): Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy
Rating: Hard R
Summary: Draco Malfoy has spent the six months after that fateful night at the top of the Astronomy Tower in hiding from both his father, and his father’s master. Now that he has been discovered, his life is all but forfeit. So, what does that have to do with Harry Potter and his newly discovered power, and what does Severus Snape know that could send Harry to the rescue?
Warnings (if any): Adult language, slash, frottage, violence, character death (not Draco or Harry), mention of possible underage sexual activity
Total word count: 23,800

On Falcon's Wings Part 1 of 3

The night that Draco Malfoy’s life changed forever had been routine enough that it bordered on the mundane.

Lulled into a false sense of security, he’d been reading a Potions book while lying on the braided rug before the fire in Severus’ dungeon quarters. When he’d heard an unexpected noise outside of the heavy oak door, his fair head had lifted and he’d listened intently, but when nothing more occurred, he’d gone back to concentrating on the small Latin text.

Moments later, the heavy door had crashed into the wall, and Draco had whipped around, grey eyes wide and mouth slightly open as his heart had plummeted in his chest. Amycus Carrow and his sister stood in the doorway and when they spied him lying on the floor, the expressions on their faces would have vied with a child’s on Christmas morning for sheer delight.

“Well, well, well,” the woman said with a sly grin, wand pointed at Draco’s heart as she sauntered into the room. He could not remember her name for the life of him, but the expression on her fat face struck fear into his pounding heart. “Something tells me our dear Head hasn’t exactly been forthcoming about his activities.”

“If it isn’t young Malfoy,” her brother sneered, following her into the room. “Dear boy, your father has been looking for you for months.”

Draco swallowed nervously, and the movement wasn’t missed by the ugly man. His leer widened. “What, not anxious to see daddy? Bet you’re even less anxious to see Your Lord, aren’t you boy? But he’s just… itching to see you!”

They laughed together, and the sound made Draco’s skin crawl. He sat up slowly, shifting back until his spine was against the sofa, and he tried to move his hand as furtively as possible towards the back pocket of his trousers where the hilt of his wand was exposed. Just as his fingers touched it, the fat woman waved her wand in a negligent manner.

“Expelliarmus!” she said, almost as if she was bored, and Draco felt his wand jerked from his pocket before it sailed across the room and into her chubby fist. “Now, what exactly did you think you were going to do, boy? Curse me? Hex me?” Her black eyes narrowed, and she licked her fleshy lips. “I think you need a lesson for even thinking you could best me. Crucio!”

Pain exploded in Draco’s body, emanating from his chest, shooting down each arm and leg. He knew he’d jerked flat onto the rug, knew that he was twitching as if caught in an electrical current, and he knew that he was crying out, no matter how desperately he hadn’t wanted to make a sound. It was like being stabbed with a hundred red hot knives, and he bit his lip and tried to silence his cries, but the sound tore from his throat. Above his own hoarse screams he could hear the hated siblings laughing; laughing at his pain, at the way he flailed about.

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