Kitty Kisses (1/2)

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Author: monoceros_writ
Title: Kitty Kisses (Part 1 of 2)
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Summary: Will Draco’s new friend bring him the love of his life?
Warnings (if any): Suggestion, Character Death (not Harry or Draco), Torture
Total word count: 10,205 words

Kitty Kisses Part 1 of 2

Down a rarely used corridor at The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry a small furry figure was stomping toward an unknown destination. The small feline seemed even tinier in comparison to the stone hallway it was traveling in search of a calm, collected demeanor.

Because let it be known that this kit was fed up, absolutely up to his whiskers from all the shit he had to endure. Sure, his coat was shiny and oh so soft, but did that really mean he would like to be cuddled and choked by all those grubby hands? No, it most certainly did not. And if one more moron even attempted to bend for a pat he was going to puke on their shoes.

Eyes eerily visible in the gloom, the kitten was nearly spitting with indignation, fur bristled all along his back as his paws did their best to convey his near temper tantrum state. Tail twitching in annoyance the small ball of furry fury stopped and dropped on his rear to begin cleaning his pelt, since that always helped to calm him.

Not to be, apparently, as out of thin air a voice purred too close to his sensitive ears “Hello there, little kit,” making him swivel his head to be confronted with gleaming yellow eyes. “Are you lost perhaps?” and was that hopefulness in the purr? Mrs. Norris, great, just fucking peachy; the cat also known as master tormentor of helpless young creatures without a master. Humph. Well, he certainly wasn’t helpless; however there certainly seemed no point in getting his ears scratched just to prove that. So he took the best course of action, cowered as if stupid Filch was reaching for him, making the bitch turn hopefully and then ran as fast as he could down the darkened hall. The impression of steps behind him made him pump his little legs all the harder and plunge through a convenient gap under a door that allowed a sliver of light to be seen by frantic kitty eyes.

Ha, take that you great big ugly brute, I’m sure you can’t squeeze through there, and I’d so enjoy scratching your stupid mug if you did try. Little heart still doing double time and adrenaline still making kitty instincts higher than normal, the small pink nose twitched. Several smells assaulted his nose and some of them were revolting. The stench of Dark magic was enough to make him sneeze, which he did, repeatedly. In turn it certainly blew his cover, as a hex flew his way that he barely had time to duck from. When he lifted his paws from his face it was to see amused grey eyes close to his own and a lowered wand. He noticed the tears. Fresh ones, as well as the tear tracks confirming his guess that this human was hurting. Cautiously sniffing the blond human it was decided the stench did not come from there so he padded cautiously toward the black boots then mewed to be picked up. Warm, careful, long fingers picked him up and brought him close to a warm chest. From his vantage point, he decided the stench came from one of the corners of the room but decided this human needed him more now. He would inspect the smell later.

Turning and pressing his tiny paws, he began to knead the chest as he looked into eyes that were clouding over again. He began a steady chatter made up of mews and purrs. This made his whiskers twitch repeatedly as the human laughed at his antics. To try to distract him he battled at the sad face with claws carefully retracted. It seemed to work, because the human released a happy breath and the eyes seemed to clear to an icy blue-grey. The human began to pet him, but gently, not pressing his fur like there was no tomorrow while speaking in a hushed voice that seemed to make him sleepy, causing his claws to dig in and a steady low purr of contentment to rumble in his chest.

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