Everybody Loves Rollerskating.

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Rainbow and her friends were at their lockers getting their supplies for class. As her friends know, Rainbow has a little crush on a specific farmer. No. Take that back, She has a big crush on that particular farmer. It's been almost a year since she had a crush on her, They never talked before, But they see each other every now and then. Her friends keep on telling her that she should confess, But she was just afraid to confess. Especially since they never even talked before. 

Pinkie Pie: "Hey Dashie, What you thinking about?" Pinkie asked with a teasing smile, She was aware that she probably was thinking about her crush. Rainbow shook her head.

Rainbow Dash: "N-Nothing Pinkie...Nothing important." Rainbow lied. Pinkie rolled her eyes but she was still smiling.

Pinkie Pie: "Don't lie, You're Obviously thinking about Applejack." Pinkie said with a smirk, Rainbow blushed, Her cheeks were now red. Redder than a Apple if you ask me. Rarity giggled.

Rarity: "Darling, You really should confess. At least give it a try." Rarity suggested.

Rainbow Dash: "I can't confess to her! I don't even know her like that! It'll just feel....embarrassing." Rainbow exclaimed.

Twilight: "Rainbow. Rarity is right, Ya know? You really should confess, You've liked her for almost a year. It's not good to keep your feelings in. Even if she doesn't feel the same way, You should at least confess just to get it off your chest. Or If you're not ready, At least speak to her." Twilight agreed, Rainbow wanted to confess. she really did, But just couldn't do it because she was to scared. She couldn't help it but think she was so cute, she was 3 or 4 inches shorter than her, her hat was a bit oversized, But it was cute on her. Rainbow adored Applejack's freckles very much, And her shiny green eyes. Applejack didn't have any friends, She was always alone. But she never stopped smiling, She was always filled with joy even though she had no friends. Those are some things she loved about Applejack. 

Rainbow Dash: "I mean...I want to confess. I really do but...I can't."

Pinkie Pie: "Yes You Can! You're just scared, We believe in you. We know you can do this, But we understand that your not ready to confess since you guys never talked before. At least talk to her first. Please Dashie, I'm sure she isn't bad at all. She seems very nice and friendly if you ask me!" Pinkie said with a grin, Rainbow sighed.

Rainbow Dash: "Guys, I understand that I can't hold my feelings in for to long. But I just don't think I could confess." Rainbow said.

Fluttershy: "Dashie, Please? You need to just try, I mean..You don't have to confess yet. But can at least speak to her? So you can get to know her more? Maybe...You'll be more comfortable confessing..?" Fluttershy exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash: "I'm Sorry Guys, I can't."

Rarity: "Darling, Just try."

Rainbow Dash: "I can't, I don't want to and I won't-"

TS, PP, FS and R: "Rainbow Dash, Go Speak To Her." They all scolded, Rainbow just face palmed and sighed. 

Rainbow Dash: "Fine...If you say so.." Rainbow said. 

"Hi." A voice said, It was a cute Southern accent. Rainbow turned around, It was Applejack. That was unexpected, Rainbow immediately blushed. Applejack had a cute grin on her face. 

Rainbow Dash: "Oh...H-Hi." Rainbow said, She was obviously nervous. And as for her friends? They were just grinning stupidly. 

Applejack: "So...You're Rainbow Dash, Right?" She asked, Twirling her hair that was on the side. She was a bit shy, And a little nervous. 

Rainbow Dash: "Well..Yes." She answered, Applejack nodded.

Applejack: "Well, I heard your conversation. But not all of it, But..I wasn't stalking or anything, I just heard it. But I noticed you were scared to talk to me. I just wanna tell you that you don't have to be scared to talk to me. But I won't lie, I was scared to talk to you, too. But I finally had the courage to talk to you, Which is good. But I wanted to ask you...Do you rollerskate?" Applejack exclaimed, Rainbow was about to open her mouth to speak, But somebody cut her off.

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