Entry #124 04/18/2021

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Dear Future-self,

I've been listening to "Paano ba to?" podcast today and have learnt to deal with the nagging tita questions. The way to feel unbothered by these questions is to accept your present condition.

Why am I single?
Why am I still unmarried?
Why don't I have children?

The thing is, it is not yet my priority. At this time, my priority is Karla. I want my little sister to finish off her studies. And of course if someone comes along the way, then it will come. Why should I worry about something that hasn't happened yet?

If I don't get married, so what? If I don't bear children, so what? I may miss out on an experience, but the question is...

Will that experience be beneficial if I had gone through it?

Don't rush dear self. And don't be afraid.

Fearing the future is unnecessary. Why would you spend your time overthinking something that is yet to occur? Spend that time living in the moment. Cherish each and everyday, because everything will just pass by very quickly. Even your worries will somewhat fade away.

Every problem has a solution. Every downpour will eventually halt. And so does your problems. It will pass by. Just let it pass.

Embrace it and let it pass. After the storm, you will see a stronger version of you.

Present-24 yrs old-self 🖤💛

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