Entry #61 (10/07/18)

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Dear Future-self,

When you no longer work at Plaza Marcela, please don't forget about the cutest thing there.


He is just so adorable. He is 6, he studies at bohol wisdom school and he goes to the store everyday with his mother. They always pay at the Senior Citizen Lane. He always make your day, because his wittiness makes you smile and laugh. He is very energetic, fun, and he would buy 2pcs of ceelin plus chewable tablets at the Pharmacy.

He plays with everyone around the store. His birthday would be on Christmas, and he even wants to invite you on his birthday 😅. Isn't that the cutest thing ever? And I wish he wouldn't grow up so fast, because right now he is kinda tall for his age.

BTW, how's your life right now?

Is everything falling into the right places?

Does everything make sense now?

Did you pursue Clinical Pharmacy?

Are you happy with what you have right now?

Did you finally meet Mr. F.?

I hope you did great with all the decisions you've made in the past. Don't ever regret making any of them, even the little mistakes. These made you stronger. These made you who you are right now. Continue living with high hopes for the present and future!


-21 yr old-Self 😘

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