Entry #70 (12/14/18)

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Dear Future-self,

Tonight I am feeling very emotional. My friend, colleague, and college batch-mate just lost his wife the other day. She died of breast Cancer.

What's really heart-wrecking is the fact that they really tried to put up a good fight. And to think that a man would do all he can just to make his wife live a little longer. Just to make her suffering a little lighter. It is admirable for him to stay by her side "in sickness and in health".

Reflecting on their story, I realized that I'll never know what life would bring me. I've been waiting for so long for love to find me... Yet what if when he finally comes, we won't have that much time left? If that is the case, would I still want to meet him either way?

If we had just a few pages left... I'd make the most out of it.

But I hope and pray that even though I've waited long, I'll also be with him for a long time. I don't want either of us to leave so early. I know I can never predict the future. It is in God's hands.

I am not even sure if my story is written with a prince charming in it. It is not for certain that he truly exists. But as long as I'll live, I'd be patiently waiting for him to come. In this lifetime or another, I'd be waiting.

So prince charming, please come soon.


I'll always be waiting,
Present-self (22 yrs old self)

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