Entry #23 04/16/17

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Dear Reader,

Remember when I told you about my insecurities on the last entry?

I take it all back.

Why would I complain about being single?

At least I don't get to argue with some jerk of a guy. At least I'd live my life at peace not worrying about some stupid bastard. At least I'll be living happily alone than live in such a dreadful house with a dysfunctional family!

Arrrggh! I hate my father!

I hate it that I know he is keeping a mistress but I'm too afraid to tell my mom just so I could still keep this stupid family intact. I hate it when I have to hear them yell at each other. I hate it to the deepest corner of my bones! I hate it that I have to be mom's shock absorber. I hate it that I have to hear all her complaints about my fucked up father. I hate it that I'd still be doing my best just to keep this family whole.

I want to yell at my father to go to hell and leave us alone. I'd want him to leave this house and never come back. I want him to go to that mistress of his and stay there. We don't need him. We can all live without him. Heck, this house is so peaceful when his not around to ruin everybody's day.

I want to...


I can't.

I hope you don't mind me. I'm just frustrated right now. I know no one's reading this anyway. But just in case someone is, I hope you'll keep this a secret. Please and Thank you.

Forever broken,

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