Night owl hours

10 2 2

Guess who's sick(not covid)!

And Hi!


How are you?


Someone keyed my car and smooshed rotten apple cores all over the car the other day(which I was not happy about-) bc they were mad that my family caught them about to trespass on our property.
Luckily, they were forced to apologize and Noir will probably be fixed by a car wash, but still...
Poor Noir...


Started Season 2 of Ducktales the other day...
While I do love that Louie and Huey are getting some spotlight(I do love Dewey, but I also want Louie and Huey to get the same screentime Dewey got in s1), I feel like s2 is a little...

While I do love that Louie and Huey are getting some spotlight(I do love Dewey, but I also want Louie and Huey to get the same screentime Dewey got in s1), I feel like s2 is a little

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Okay, music puns aside, the pacing is a lot slower compared to s1 and there's some ooc moments(mainly from Scrooge). It just...doesn't feel as exciting and emotional as the first season. But then again, I'm only four episodes in. Maybe it might pick up in the middle or near the end? Dunno.
(But I will give s2 credit for this glorious screenshot:

 It also gets some more credit for more musical moments!!)

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It also gets some more credit for more musical moments!!)


Update!: saw the rest of s2 and it definitely picks up(emotional wise and character depvelopment wise), but not as much as I hoped. But one other thing that's awesome about s2 is that it introduced a character that almost made me like them more than Dewey and Scrooge(I'm not saying the character's name because I don't want to say any spoilers just in case if you guys want to watch Ducktales)! Anyway, I recently started s3, and it's wicked good! I'm enjoying it more than s2, and it's close up there with s1, but not quite.

Since I'm rambling, tl;dr: s2 picks up but is still kinda eh. s3 is way better, but doesn't beat s1.
In short, season ranking(imo)-
Season 1
Season 3
Season 2

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