Messy spam

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How are you?


I'm not going to do a age reveal on my birthday, BUT I'm gonna make a page full of songs that fill me with nostalgia when my birthday does come around.


Random thought while I was listening to nostalgic songs: is Shawty another word for Shortie?


Wattpad: alright, what do you guys want?
Wattpad users: no premium!
Wattpad users: less ads!
Wattpad users: fix the invisible text when you post a video or a picture!
Wattpad users: liking comments on books and posting pictures on our announcements!
Wattpad users: a better system to get rid of harassers, homophobes, transphobes, bots, and sexists faster!
Wattpad: ...
Wattpad: Well...
Wattpad: I can't do those, but I can give you all something better!
Wattpad users: really? What would that be?
Wattpad: More premium, more ads, darkmode, and moving your profile to the home page!
Wattpad users: OH FOR FU-


Other characters: the world is going to end! MCs, save us!
The MCs:


Describe yourself using a vine.


A Book Of Mormon(musical) video got tagged as a 'YouTube kids' video.
Pfft, have the people behind youtube even SEEN bom??
Oh man, wait until they get complaints from a bunch of angry karens-
(If that does happen, bring me the popcorn stat!)


Okay, but: Thomas x Side ships are v underrated and good! Same with Snufkin x Alicia!
(And there's barely any fics on them and it makes me sad-)


More Little Moomin/Roxie!:

More Little Moomin/Roxie!:

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And now...Describing the book! Moomin characters the best I can:
(Judging off of reading CIM)
Book! Sniff:
-I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
-S C R E A M
-A N D
-S H O U T
-A N D  L E T  I T  A L L  O U T
-in summary: babey

Book! Moomintroll:
-friendly and curious one second to 'when I was a young boi my father took me into the city to see a marching band-' the next
-very sexist until he meets and dates Snorkmaiden. I wish I was kidding.
-will always be there for Snufkin
-treats Sniff like a five year old
-the only one to comfort Snufkin during Snufkin's emotional breakdowns

-"hey whatdya want me to do""oh just sit in the corner and play harmonica while we try to pretend that the current dilemma this book revolves around doesn't exist""k cool"
-"hey Moomin wanna sleep in my tent? It'd just be you...and me...all alo- oh hi Sniff"
-Also treats Sniff like a five year old, but is a bit kinder to him compared to Moomintroll
- Book! Snufkin: "Moomintroll and Sniff don't laugh at him that's disrespectful"
Also Book! Snufkin, while saying 'thats disrespectful': On the ground and wheezing from laughing too much

Book! Snork:
-"I am SURROUNDED by idiots."
-that's it.
-that's his character(along with calling Snorkmaiden 'dear sister' and asking 'hey, when are we going to hold a meeting-' at the worst times).

-a cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
-such a sweetheart
-and relatable, too

Book! Muskrat:
-basically Moominvalley Muskrat...but more annoying(seriously. I just wanted to throw book! Muskrat into a imaginary sea everytime he spoke or was on a page)

Book! Moominpapa and Book! Moominmama:
-the same as their Moominvalley counterparts. Nothing has changed there–


Ima end this messy spam heere


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