More short spams-

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How are you?


Today's Harry Potter day, but I'm not going to celebrate it this year. After all, what is there to celebrate when the woman behind it all is a TERF?


Today is also Heathers day, and I'm definitely celebrating that.
September first, 1989.
Dear diary...


I'm going to try participating in drabbletober, where I write a short Drabble each day for the month of October!
But...I need some prompt ideas. I tried asking on insta, but nothing(maybe because I jokingly threatened to steal their kneecaps?).
Any prompt ideas?


Any side: *sad*

Any side: *sad*Patton:

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I was so high on my melatonin last night that I almost cried from seeing a cute fanart of Sniff


Found the Sniff fanart that I almost cried over!:
(Credit to nintooner on insta!)

UPDATE!:Found the Sniff fanart that I almost cried over!:(Credit to nintooner on insta!)

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(I love nintooner's artstyle sm!)


Late night thought: maybe if I bang my head harshly and on the wall repeatedly, my intrusive thoughts will leave my mind quicker...



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Half of my brain: nooo! You can't make Kahrus a exact copy of Mumriks!!
Other half of my brain: haha bear kid go brr brr



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So...I just had a Moomin thought:
All the characters in Moomin are three inches(hope I got the measurement right) or shorter...meaning that...if they came to the real world, we'd be giants and they'd be as small as a thimble. If that happened, We could carry them around and put them in our pockets!
And if that happened, dibs on Sniff, Too-Ticky, and Snorkmaiden!
...okay, I'll share Too-Ticky...
But I'm keeping Sniff and Snorkmaiden.


I don't know why I didn't say this sooner, but....
Heather Chandler can step on me and I'd thank her


Sorry if I'm sounding cocky or self centered during this spam-


It's thankstempber for Thomas Sanders friends! Today, it's Valerie!
You are a beautiful human being. Anyone would be lucky to be friends with you.
Also, your singing is 👌👌👌
What I'm saying is...thank you, and keep being your amazing self.


And because it's thankstempber, I'm also going to start thanking and complimenting all of you guys each day!
Today, it's Http-Ponyo/ Fandom!
I know we just met this year and we're both kinda new at getting to know each other, but from our interactions and rps,
You're so talented and sweet??? And your humor is amazing???? It should be a crime to be all of that!
Your drawings and writing are also really well done! I wish we could talk more, you're one of the best!
Anyway, Thanks for being a wonderful human being, fandom. Oh, and ever never lose your shine.


I can't think of anything else to put so ima end this spam heere

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