Little psa to rpers

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When the owner behind a rp book rejects your oc, DO NOT LASH OUT AT THEM, BRIBE THEM TO LET YOUR CHARACTER IN, OR INSULT THEM. Instead, accept that your oc didn't get in, and that's okay. There are other rp books out there that will accept your oc. But because the owner didn't accept it, it doesn't give you the right to act like a toddler who didn't get a toy that they wanted. And remember that you're going to have to face rejection when it comes to rp books, and you can't expect every rp book to accept your oc.

And as a bonus, a few things that have happened when I rejected rpers characters in the past:
(Usernames and pfps cropped out for respect of privacy)
-I got called a 'big b!tch', along with a slew of insults afterwards for not letting someone's oc in
-someone guilt tripped me into making them accept their oc after I said no

And as a bonus, a few things that have happened when I rejected rpers characters in the past:(Usernames and pfps cropped out for respect of privacy)-I got called a 'big b!tch', along with a slew of insults afterwards for not letting someone's oc i...

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(Why did they jump to the conclusion that it was the same crush? I even said in my oc's form that if both of our ocs have the same crush, I can change my ocs crush to someone else for that Rper, so their oc can have my original oc's crush. Did they not read that?
Also, their responses after that were just as entitled and rude as this screenshot)

 Did they not read that?Also, their responses after that were just as entitled and rude as this screenshot)-

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So in conclusion,
When facing rejection of your oc for a rp book...
Don't act like a entitled ***hole, and find another rp book. If you keep facing rejection, keep trying other rp books or tweak your character a tad.

Thank you,
Kat and possibly other rp book owners out there

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