Hamilton filled spam

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How are you?


Okay, along with the nostalgic songs being posted on my birthday, I'm also going to post a picture of baby Kat(that's watermarked, of course. Can't have people stealing it or using it for illegal stuff). That's right. No toddler Kat. No kid Kat. But baby Kat.
That's gonna be a load of cuteness for y'all-


Also, expect this spam to have a lot of Hamilton-


If you haven't seen Thayne Jasperson's Hamilton insta stories...
You're missing out
They are absolute GOLD-
(He dances to Yorktown(The World Turns Upside Down) on a Trampoline, re-enacts Guns And Ships with a bunch of Barbie dolls, re-enacts Satisfied with a curly brown wig on his head(overdramatically swishing it Side to Side), and plays/sings You'll Be Back with a plastic toy crown on his head)


*after seeing the Hamilton proshot*

Okay, now...*looks at Aspen* do I flesh you out more, or *looks at Hamilton oc, Eloise* do I make you more of a character? Hm...



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The irony of oc quizzes:

Results of a oc quiz for a character you made that you feel confident about: ok, bland, 0/10, unlikable, forgettable, add some more sh!t.
Results of a oc quiz for a character you made that you don't like: beautiful, breathtaking, amazing, 1000/10, likable, can I marry or befriend this character, please, I love them.


Fun fact:
You'll Be Back has the same chord progression as the beginning chords from A Thousand Years.
(Wanna try it out?:
Treble clef: DBG x2, C x2
Bass clef(no chords, just notes): G, F, G, A)


Six more days until


I sound rude during this spam eep-

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