Short spamael

57 4 18



How are you?


Since it's summer now:


I made brownies yesterday-
Here, feel free to virtually take one-


So...I found out someone already did the bear like species for their Moomin oc, so guess who's going to have to START ALL OVER because she isn't original for ONCE in her damn life?!


Oh wait- just found out it was a bear oc and they weren't a Moomin oc(they were in a Moomin au), but I think that still means I have to go back to the writing block and START ALL OVER. AND IM BEING OVERDRAMATIC AGAIN, TOO. GREAT.


Wait! I can't vent or cry over something stupid yet! It's too early in the spam book to do that!


...welcome to the bread bank-


Why does everyone want Henry(the smug frog villager) off their island?
He's adorable and so sweet-
(Plus, he has the best catchphrase: snoozit)


Okay, so...
When it comes to love songs:
Theatre kids, choir kids, and band kids have multiple...
Science kids have Science Love Song...
Math kids have Stupid With Love...
History kids have Waterloo...
What do reading/writing kids and art kids have for love songs?


I love how book! Snork is the walking embodiment of these:

(Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he said any of those on any page-)


This is gonna be a short spam because I'm still upset-


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