"Daddy...?""dO I LOOK LIKE-"

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This is for PillowNova  !

Here's papa Snufkin adopting Aspen(as either his own kid(like with the woodies or the fire spirit) or his little sibling(like with Toft) - you pick) hcs that will make Aspen a very cringey character afterwards!

!TW!: mentions of wacking someone with a gardening tool, Aspen almost getting swept away by a current(Jesus Christ Aspen), light Aspen angst, Nightmare mentions, mentions of crying, Snufkin being very ooc at some points(I can only write Moomintroll I'm SORRY), this being cringey and probably ruining Aspen's character.

(This mainly focuses on Aspen's bond with Snufkin instead of papa Snuf because I got carried away I'm sorry-)(not to say that there isn't papa Snuf in there)
(This should also be called 'wanted criminal Gryffinclaw adopts a upcoming Slytherdor')

Looking after the little beast that is Aspen/Aspen accepting Snufkin as her second dad or big brother:

-When Snufkin fishes, Aspen usually gets bored and helps Snufkin speed up the process faster by literally jumping in the river and clutching the first fish she can find with her mouth. Her mouth grip isn't really that strong, tho, so mostly the fish slips out. Other times, she almost gets swept away from the river current after she catches the fish and Snufkin has to save her.
-Aspen's parents constantly warned Aspen about vagabonds and thieves who try to steal from their garden, and if she came across one, stay away and alert them(or wack them with your gardening tool). Well, when she came across a certain vagabond trying to steal from the garden in the middle of the night, she became a bit conflicted on weither to wack him with a garden hoe or not, but actually did the opposite and helped him. That way, he'd have lots of food and she'd get less work tomorrow(her parents would yell at her as well though...worth it).
-when Snufkin and Aspen were getting to know each other a bit better, it was probably just like the Kenai and Koda interactions from Brother Bear(aka the scene right before On My Way and some parts during On My Way)(but over time, they warmed up to each other)
-Aspen communicates to Snufkin via head shakes, head nods, expressions, and sometimes drawings.
-For platonic affection for Aspen, Aspen curls up against Snufkin and purrs. Snufkin was taken aback by this at first(and it still makes him taken aback sometimes), but now he doesn't mind it that much. It's only when he needs some space that he kinda inches away from her.
-Snufkin has definitely taken Aspen to go against the park keeper(after some hesitation-), and Aspen sometimes helps Snufkin to take him down.
(-and if Snufkin is in jail because of his hundredth revenge on the park keeper, Aspen will try to break him out the best she can through bear cub eyes/puppy dog eyes/(doesn't always work) or sneaks in...then realizes her way out is now closed while she was having a short reunion. If they're both in jail, Aspen tries to pop out from the jail cell bars to get the key, but always fails because she's a baby and the key is too high. But that's okay, because she tries to manipulate the guard afterwards with her bear cub eyes. However, like I said before, bear cub eyes doesn't always work(if it doesn't, she lets herself down and draws 'it worked on my parents...well, one time...' On the cell floor/the grass. Snufkin usually has to dig both of them out.)
-if she spends the night with Snufkin and Snufkin gets a nightmare, she hurriedly tries to get him to stop crying(IF Snufkin does cry from the nightmare), because of her 'if you cry, others will get mad at you. So you can't cry' belief. Mainly, she curles up beside him for comfort(no cuddles because she assumes cuddles usually annoy everyone along with crying, so she avoids crying and cuddles(she still uses hugs and holding hands, tho))
-to add on, Aspen sometimes gets nightmares in the middle of the night(but it's rare). Severe or not, she doesn't bother waking Snufkin up and always goes out of the tent to draw with her claw to distract from it(she drew with her claw on Snufkin's tent once and Snufkin was not happy, and not wanting to make Snufkin mad in fear that he'll yell at her, draws outside the tent. But she'll still draw on new hardwood floors, sand, trees, whatever is in sight except for Snufkin's tent). Snufkin wakes up and usually finds her drawing to get her mind off it tho, because the noise of his tent zipper usually wakes him up. He then tries to get Aspen back inside the tent, reminding her that it was just a dream and [if her nightmare was really bad,] proving that it was just a dream. Sometimes he has to shush her gently as well or tiredly play his harmonica because she's about to cry but she's trying to push back her tears so Snufkin won't get mad at her but Snufkin would never get mad at her for crying he's even told her this why doesn't she underst a n d—
-when on walks, Aspen usually doesn't stay close to Snufkin and disappears to play with something or take a shortcut. Snufkin knows this and just lets her play for a moment before telling her to come. If she refuses, which is often, Snufkin has to come over, pick her up, and carry her away from what she was playing with. If it's a shortcut, Snufkin allows her to do it, but keeps an eye on her. After all, her shortcuts have lead to dangerous areas.
-sometimes on walks, Snufkin holds Aspen's paw, but only if she's tired(which is a lot - Aspen barely gets a break and gets tuckered out easily).
-Snufkin tells Aspen stories of his adventures to Aspen before she has to go in for the night(weither Aspen is close to being found by her parents or she stays the night)...but it's always a mistake because Aspen wants more.
-Whenever winter is coming soon, Aspen makes sure to give Snufkin a bunch of fruit and vegetables(mainly the big ones so her family won't have a big harvest in the spring)(also more fruits and veggies than the habit they picked up. Her parents usually catch her because she has trouble picking some of the big ones up(or they catch her sneaking it to Snufkin) and she has to cut some of the portion off(When her parents leave the scene, she gives the portion back)), along with a hug before he leaves(a quick one of she's caught).
-and before Aspen hibernates, she hopes spring starts off a bit snowy so she can ask Snufkin to play in the snow with her.
-and that's all I have–
-hope this wasn't too cringey–

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