Nostalgic songs bc i'm turning twenty soon

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I know I was going to post this tomorrow on my actual birthday, but I couldn't wait! So, here's a early birthday present from me to you!
(If you see some classic songs, this is due to my dad being a classic pop lover and a classic rock lover. Growing up, he introduced me to a lot of classic musicians, such as Queen, Warren Zevon, Shawn Colvin, Talking Heads, Sheryl Crow, AC/DC, and more. I think this is what made me the music lover I am today, so thanks dad!)
Let's get to it!


Other songs I would add, but got cut due to the song limit:
SOS - Rihanna
Good Life - One Republic
Psycho Killer - Talking Heads
Barbie Girl - Aqua
Burn It Down - Linkin Park
Scar Tissue - Red Hot Chillie Peppers
See You Again - Miley Cyrus
Clocks - Coldplay
Payphone - Maroon 5
Leave This Bed - Maroon 5
On The Floor - Jennifer Lopez
If I Had You - Adam Lambert
Big Girls Don't Cry - Fergie
Most Lady Gaga songs
Most Perry Gripp songs...

Okay, I'm going to end that list because we'd be here all day if I continued it.

Hope you enjoyed this!


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