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I have now listened to All I Want For Christmas Is You(both Mariah Carey and Mcr) in August
Quaratine has officially drove me crazy
(I usually vow to not listen to Christmas songs until after thanksgiving or on July 25 only)


Screw it
I'm listening to a bunch of Christmas songs early
But not all of them
Some of them I'm going to put off until November/December
(E.g Underneath The Tree, Baby It's Cold Outside(maybe), any Christmas song by Michael Buble)


Speaking of Christmas, I just want it to be Christmas already. I miss it so much. I miss driving around while admiring the colorful and shining lights. I miss the Christmas movie marathons on the tv while you sunk your teeth into a pie or cookie. I miss the Christmas sweaters. The Eggnogg. Seeing my family. Giving gifts to my family. Trying to wrap presents for my family but failing. Bitter winter air that nips at your nose and flushes your cheeks. Hot chocolate. Scarfs. Wooly hats. Trying to ice skate with Robinstar46 and rachelroop. Singing Christmas carols with my choir. When you walk on sidewalks dusted with snow and your boots make a satisfying crunch from stepping on the mini piles of snow. Opening presents and appreciating them all. Christmas decorations in the Stores. SANTA HATS. And finally, what I really miss the most...the intoxicating smell of Balsam fur's and fraiser fur's.
Yeah, I miss Christmas and quaratine is making me go crazy.
(I don't miss the blizzards, tho.)
(Also, I'm only going to talk about Christmas/rp Christmas scenarios for now - the Christmas drawings, gachas, vines, headcanons, stories/fanfics, and sh!tposts will all be saved for after thanksgiving.)


Actually, if anyone wants to do a Christmas themed rp or halloween themed rp as a way for me to cope with this pandemic, I'm down!


Update: ignore all that. I wrote and I did all of that when melatonin was kickin' in(melatonin makes me tired so I can sleep better without my anxiety kickin' in, but sometimes I create messy ideas or get really nostalgic when I take them. Sometimes). My ask for Christmas themed rp or Halloween themed rp still stands, tho.


Cute idea: Mymble sr and her many kids having a piano and performing Scales And Arpeggios. At the end of the song, tho, one of her kids breaks the piano-


Remember, it isn't a fandom unless it has one or more of these things:
-any John Mulaney bit
-Rolling Girl
-Bread Bank
-caramelldansen(either the characters doing the dance or the flashing light meme)
-a If You Were Gay animatic or amv
-a Gay Or European animatic or amv
-a I Do Adore animatic or amv
-a cursed image comp
-simping over one of the MCs
-and a You, Me, And Steve animatic


Time to talk about SVTFOE!
Okay, I don't mind SVTFOE, but I feel like it's kinda...boring so far. But then again, I am on season one, and I heard season one is supposed to not have a whole lot of action and excitement in it. But I'm kinda debating if I should skip season one altogether and watch season two to season four, or continue watching season one and make my way up.

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