Hydrogen gold phosphorus platinum ytterbium...

26 3 5

Bismuth radium thorium dubnium argon ytterbium!

It's robinstar46 's birthday!

Make sure to wish her a happy birthday today!

Now a smol appreciation post for her on her special day:

Robinstar...aka my cousin and best friend...happy birthday! You're the most kindest, smartest, funniest,animal lovingest, big words usingest person that I've ever met, and I'm so happy to have you as my cousin and best friend. Especially on this day, your special day. You're a amazing human being and I platonically love you soooo much! You deserve all the love and appreciation on this day, and every day afterwards!


Also also,
HAVE A AMAZING AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! *Animal crossing party popper confetti*

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