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Before this spam starts, quick disclaimer:
Two sections of this spam is an actual spam page...while one section of this spam is Kat's attempt to write a spam right after she got her yearly eye drops(why am I doing this, it's not like me to be this impulsive? No clue). If you don't want to deal with a spam that looks like she's either drunk or having a stroke, click off when you reach the green screen of the portal door(toh) opening.
Also, the first part of the spam was typed back in November-January, the second part with the eye drops was typed back in March, and the third part was typed recently.
Also also, I talk a lot about TOH in the third part. If you're sick on me talking about TOH, stop reading after the second part, which will be marked by a green screen of Hunter popping out of the ground.
Thank you, and now back to the long awaited spam.




How are you?


~And now, a summary of my first semester of college~:

~This has been...a summary of my first year of college~


I was watching a vlog a few days ago and it had kissing noises in it. Like the immature young adult I am, I almost (literally) threw up. Yay!


I haven't watched Rwby since I was sixteen
So why am I suddenly shipping Gelato(Roman x Neo) for no reason? No, I'm serious, why-


Speaking of Rwby, I found a voiceclaim for Chase(my ee oc who I'm working on, however, it's going to take a little while to make him since I'm planning to make him morally grey/chaotic neutral(and I have never made a morally Grey character before-))!:
(Roman Torchwick from Rwby Chibi)
(!CW!: weapons in the thumbnail and throughout the video, brief white flash at 0:07 and 3:22, vomiting at 8:36, poisoning at 8:32-8:36(actual), 3:07-3:16(mention), and 8:56(mention), and fire at 1:22 and 9:55)
(I went with Rwby chibi instead of og Rwby bc:
1.Roman's voice in Rwby chibi fits Chase a lot more
2. Roman's voice in og Rwby sounds a tad bit too deep to be Chase's voice
3. Roman's chibi voice would fit better in the epithet erased universe compared to his og Rwby voice)

(This is actually kinda funny that my ee oc's voiceclaim is a character from Rwby, since the creator of ee has made a video on how much he dislikes rwby-)


~Imagine~: you get sleep paralysis. As your sleep paralysis demon gets closer, the la la la part of this song starts playing from your phone:

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