Mini vent

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Bad Vent time

I had this internet friend and they were the best.
They really were.
They were sweet, supportive, funny, great at writing, and great at rping.  Interacting with them was such a delight.
However, this internet friend was currently living in a emotionally abusive, mentally abusive, racist, and homophobic household. They would talk about how awful their family members treat them, and it sucked, because I wish I could've done something, anything, to help them get away from their family.
Alas, I couldn' I just stuck to comfort and positive advice(which was probably toxic positivity looking back - I need to work on not doing that)...
The final straw was their mother finding out about their Wattpad, and telling them to stop or the mental and emotional abuse would get worse.
At that point, I knew I had to email cps. However...I...couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't know why. I wanted to save them, get them away from their family...but something inside me stopped me from doing so.
Because of my dumb decision, they haven't been on in MONTHS(last time I talked to them was in April) and the abuse is probably getting even worse.
If I had just emailed cps, they would be taken away by their family by now and be put in a better home.
But...I didn't.
And now, they're probably dead or close to death because of all the sh!t happening in their home and me backing out when I could've had a chance to get them out and for them be happier.
...if they are dead, I blame myself. I shouldn'tve been a coward and I should have helped them sooner.
If they're close to death, still blame me. I'm a coward who couldn't stand up and help them.

Why them? Why them?! Why can't it be me instead of them?!


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