The real 'worst rper ever' story.

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This is going to be the last time I'm going to talk about Takane, my past sexual abuser. I'm going to expose him. He caused me hell, it's only right that I cause him hell...which is what I should've done way back when he started doing...unpure things without me. But alas, I was a naive teen(still am a naive young adult, but not as naive as I was) when it happened, so...time to expose:

I remember a while ago that I posted a page in one of my random books on how he was the worst rper ever.
But just a rundown if you don't want to search from book to book.
Back in summer of 2016, I joined a amino and posted the info to one of my characters. A few seconds after posting it, a rper sent a...very creepy rp response about flipping my character's skirt. None the less, I followed it and continued the rp. Outside of the rp, we got to know each other. I didn't give out a lot of my personal info, so he pretty much only knew my name(but would mix up my name with my character's name, and address me by my character's name...which was weird and confusing sometimes) and age, but he would full out info dump on his personal life. Now, if I I still respected him, I wouldn't use all the information I found out. However, I don't respect him anymore, so here's some of his information: Chris Nuñez Cruz. "16" years old. Puerto Rico. Nickname is Takane.
Now that's out of the way,
He wasn't too bad in amino, but a little Pervy and creepy towards me. At one point, he decided to move our rp and our chats to kik.
There, I saw his true colors.
Outside of the rps we did on kik,he would full on pressure me to do cyber*** when I didn't want to, flirt with me, kiss my cheek(which felt gross, but I hid my negative feelings'll find out), try to tear me away from any social gathering, just to name a few. If I said no(which was rare, since I was a people pleaser), showed any negative feeling, or said 'that's enough', he would get pissed off at me or would threaten to kill himself. I stupidly told him 'don't kill yourself/don't get mad at me, I'll do it...' and after that, it felt like he wasn't angered or depressed anymore. And everytime after his manipulative episodes, I wanted to escape or tell someone, ANYONE...but I felt like if I did escape or did tell anyone, he'd cause harm than he already caused. I didn't want that, so I stayed. Today, it's still the only regret I have in my life. For trusting my abuser and not telling anyone sooner. If I had a timemachine, I would do everything to go back and never interact with that message. But...timemachines are a fairytale. And this isn't a fairytale.
Soon, like a blink of an eye, Summer passed.
Fall arrived.
We both went back to school, so we weren't talking as much as we used to.
However, our "friendship" was still the same.
How I wished it was different.
Way, way different...

I just wanted a genuine friendship.
Not this.

But a few months into the new school year, I had enough. I blocked him, reported him, and ever since then, have never heard from him again.
Now, I'm so much better. I learned how to toughen up a bit, learned how to say 'no', learned how deal with people like him, now know not to bottle up my negative emotions, and have a bit more confidence in myself.
Even though I'm better though, I still have a few fears.
1) because of the trauma from him, I'm now scared of ***ual intimacy. I worry that, even though my future partner will be great, ***ual intimacy won't turn out well and cause our relationship to end.
2) what if one day...he comes back?

Anyway, sorry for these messy vents these past few days.

We'll get back to spams soon.


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