On a lighter note

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I'm not proud of this but

What your favorite Moomin ship says about you!:
(!just jokes, don't take sirusly!)

Snufmin(Snufkin x Moomintroll): you get confused when people say they wouldn't date their best friend. How could they not???

Moomintroll x Snorkmaiden: You're way too nostalgic. or you're new to the fandom.

Springtime trio(Moomintroll x Snufkin x Snorkmaiden): You hate conflict of any kind, and wish everybody would get along.

Little Myden(Little My x Snorkmaiden): when it comes to a series, you always have a crush on either the hot tempered character or the beautiful damsel character. Mainly both.

Snorkmaiden x Snufkin: strong, silent types turn you on.

Mymjox(Mymble sr x Joxter): you strongly believe in MEN👏GETTING👏PEGGED👏

Little Sniff(Little My x Sniff): frenemies to lovers is your favorite relationship dynamic.

JoxPapa(Joxter x Moominpapa): You're the mature one of your friend group. You also believe that spray bottles are are a great weapon.

Muddler x Fuzzy: You just want good things for Muddler, and really, who wouldn't?

Snuflicia(Snufkin x Alicia): You definitely had a 5sos phase.

Mymbleticky(Mymble jr x Too-Ticky): stargazing together and watching classic Disney movies are your vision of a perfect date night.

Mymmaiden(Mymble jr x Snorkmaiden): you're a hopeless romantic.

Moominmama x Moominpapa: you think 'dancing with your partner at 2am' is the best trope.

Stinky x Snufkin: you have considered robbing a bank at one point in your life.

Snork x Snufkin: You're a honor roll student who has never studied once in your life.

Snufmy, Joxkin, Moominpapa x Moomintroll, Sniff x Fuzzy,  or really any incest ship: you need Jesus and a one way flight to Alabama.

(Let me know if there was a ship I missed!

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