For Robinstar46 to read when she gets back!

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(Yes, I had to add a Lumity song at the top)
Hi Robin! Hope your vacation went well and was wicked fun!
Now, the reason why I tagged you in this is bc the new ep of The Owl House dropped today, and it's chalk full of Lumity moments. And I know how much you love Lumity! So, I decided to share some of the Lumity moments in the episode, that way you can get your Lumity fill. This does have spoilers, but I know you don't really care much for spoilers. With that said,

Lumity moments in the recent TOH ep!:
(!For people reading this who haven't seen toh, heavy spoilers for s2e5 below!)
-take a shot(of water) everytime they both gay panic in this episode(chances are, you'll be really well hydrated by the end of the episode)
-"you need my library card to visit Amity, don't you?" Said by a very tired Gus
-Luz invited Amity to the human world with her if Luz ever found a way home
-they held hands
-Ed and Em found out about Luz and Amity's crushes towards each other but instead of being little shi tzus about it(like they normally are), they were rather...sweet about it?
-"Being around just...makes me do stupid things and I wish it didn't!""...It's okay, I..*sniffles* I do stupid things around you too, Amity.""*soft gay gasp*"
-Luz fought tooth and nail and faced a bunch of dangerous trials just so Amity could get her job back
And finally,
-THEY. KISSED!! It was more a cheek kiss bc of Disney's censors(boo), but it was still a kiss!

And that was most of the Lumity moments in the recent ep! I hope you liked it, Robin!
(I hope that didn't sound rude...)

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