*aggressively colors in coloring book*

46 3 54

*looks up*
Oh Hey!


How are you?


It's...been a while since the last spam. I apologize for that, I've been really stressed these past couple of weeks and drifted away(a little bit) from Wattpad to help with the stress. What am I stressed over? Well, I'll summarize why in a haiku:
Hot chocolate bombs
16 in a box
Help me, it's due this weekend

(As cool Hot Chocolate Bombs are to look at, they're wicked hard to make-)
(Also, unrelated, found out recently that coloring books are a great coping mechanism!)


Haiku aside, Since I didn't do a Christmas, New Years, or a holiday spam...
How was your Christmas/holidays/New Years?


And, if you celebrate it,
What did you guys get for Christmas?

Some of the stuff I got:
-wolf hoodie(her name's Luna)!
-books!(such as: Moomin books - Moominland Midwinter to November In Moominvalley, The Outsiders, They Both Die In The End, What If It's Us, to name a few)
-Fox calendar!
-new sketchbook(The sketchbook I was currently using was falling apart, had hard to flip pages, pencilmark outlines would leak onto the next page, and I've had it for YEARS. Luckily, I got a new sketchbook)!
-A Sniff(Moomin) mug and a Too-Ticky(Moomin) mug(they're so tiny-)!
-Moomin and Snorkmaiden tree ornament!
-Boot slippers!
-fuzzy pajamas!
-floofy socks!
-fuzzy gloves!
-and mainly a lot of sweaters and coats...


To this day, I still find it weird that a few years back, a classmate purposely made me trip and fall down a flight of stairs so she could get me to try to date with this person who I've never even met.
(If that kinda sounds weird from the way I worded it, here's the short version of the full story:
This happened four or five years ago. It was the end of the school day and I was walking down main staircase to get out of school and to get home.  Now, on that day, my last class of the day was on the third floor, and since I went to a big and confusing school, I had to walk down maybe...six flights of stairs? Anyway, I'm about to go down the third or fourth flight of stairs when all of a sudden, I feel a pair of hands on the upper part of my backpack shove me down the entire third or fourth flight. 'that was weird...' I thought, getting up a moment afterwards and continuing to make my way down(I've been pushed and injured too many times, I'm used to it). A few steps in and I was stopped by someone calling my name. I walk over to the railing so other kids wouldn't get annoyed that I'm standing in their way, and turn around. The source of the call was a classmate of mine(let's call her...Blanche) who also came out of the same class I was in a moment ago. Beside Blanche was a guy who I've never met or seen right beside her. Blanche wraps an arm around the guy's shoulder and uses her free hand to point at him. The guy greets me with a meek 'hey' and flashes a forced smile, trying to be polite, but looked like he didn't want to be here(I felt so bad for him).
"He wants to date you!"
Blanche exclaims, causing me to let out exhausted Demi noises and tell her that I'm not interested.
"But c'mon! He wants to date you! Why won't you date him?"
"Bye, Blanche. See ya on Wednesday."
I turn around and continue walking down the stairs, hearing Blanche shout "WHY WON'T YOU DATE HIM?! HE'S A PERFECT MATCH FOR YOU!"(never even seen him, interacted with him, or met him before she introduced me to him), "I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU!"(No, no you were not), and "WHY WON'T YOU DATE ANYONE?!"(...is anyone going to tell her that I'm on the ace spectrum(and still am) or...?)
I ignored her yells, and managed to get home no problem. The next day, I told a few teachers about what happened(bc I was a big teachers pet-) and I think one of them had a talk with Blanche bc she never did the 'he wants to date you!' thing to me again and became a bit more distant of me. But y'know, I wish I caught the guy's name to apologize to him about the whole situation. He also seemed sweet, Maybe we could've become friends! But then again, he could've been acting along besides Blanche and could actually be a ***hole...)

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