Open for a surprise!

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Okay so...
I was going to post individual scenarios of these
But my lack of motivation and my injury got in the way...
However, they're here right now if you want to rp them with me!
Little disclaimer, tho: these are mainly not that detailed, because it's taken from my notes. Usually, when I get a scenario idea, I write the non-detailed version in my notes, then when I'm ready to write and post it in a rp book, I add the details in.
Another thing, some of these might be repeats from last year and some are based off Christmas prompts from tumblr(but can't find the user). Whoops.

Anyways, surprise! It's badly written Christmas scenarios!:
(Let me know if you want to rp any of these with me!)

!TW!: kissing, drunkenness/alcohol mention(s), panic attack, possible arguing, and possible swearing!

1.(already posted on my Sanders Sides rp book, thought I'd post it again) Enemies to lovers ship or rivals to lovers ship snowed inside(assigned to work on a project together over Christmas break, hate that they're assigned to work on it together but do it anyways, work session at B's house, when it's time for A to leave he finds out the hard way that they're snowed in together. Bonus points if the heater broke and they have to huddle for warmth)
2.B Catching A drunk off spiked eggnogg and A trying to drag B to a mistletoe. Doesn't work and Instead, B has to lug their *** back home.
3. A helping B ice skate.
4.B staying in their room to avoid getting caught under the mistletoe, only sneaking out for nesscessities when no one else is around. A notices and tricks B by tacking a mistletoe to B's doorframe, knocking on the door, and either giving a big smooch or a peck on the cheek when B answers.
5.(based on a tumblr post, let me know the user's name if you find it!) B walking in on A singing Christmas carols. B then proceeds to either fluster A by saying that they like their voice, or make A facepalm(or giggle. Or both) by saying that it was good, but not as great as B's.
Or, alternatively: they're both in a choir and are required to go caroling. A doesn't really like the sound of their voice(or choir) and mainly sits out on concerts and rehearsals. B, on the other hand, participates in every rehearsal and preforms in every concert. B has tried to pressure A into singing with the choir a couple times, but nothing has worked. But thanks to caroling, B can finally hear A's voice. When the day comes, B makes sure the choir director squeezes him next to A. At the first house, A grudgently starts singing with the other choir members, and he??? Sounds???? Like?????an????? Angel???????
Alt alt. B thinks A's singing voice is awful until he is forced to go caroling and hears A's singing.
Alt alt alt. A is forced to do a solo for the Christmas concert and gets a panic attack halfway through. He's unable to finish the solo, and they have to put the concert on pause. B immediately goes to A's side and helps them calm down.
6.A and B arguing over which Christmas tree to pick.
9.A reading Christmas stories to an excited C, their kid, in hopes that it'll cause C to go to sleep so A can help B put the presents under the tree.
Alt. A, B, and C playing in the snow on Christmas.
10.A making homemade eggnog, C spiking it with alcohol when A isn't looking. A decides to take a test drink, and finds it awful tasting and smelling. He ads a bit more nutmeg to make it better tasting, and it works. A pours a another glass and gives it to B, who's a bit suspicious about the eggnog. Meanwhile, A downs the whole glass, and being the lightweight that they are, ends up becoming drunk. B now has to look after A and take them to bed.
11.A and B decorating their house for Christmas(or decorating for a upcoming Christmas party), and A comes across a mistletoe. They go over to B and hold it up for B to see, oblivious that A is making them both stand under the mistletoe.
12. Make it up!

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