A apology

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Wow, double posting on the same day!

Okay, jokes aside...

I want to apologize for two of my characters: Jaxton and Quinnton.

I know you might be thinking that this is something where I'm too hard on myself and people question my self-esteem, but surprisingly...it's not.
See, Jaxton and Quinnton are both harmful stereotypes. Jaxton to the lgbtq+ community and Quinnton to poc and being a bit sexist.
The reason why I say this is because...
When I was a mid-teen, I was a big yaoi fan girl(I'm not anymore, thank god). And being a big yaoi fangirl back then, Jaxton was meant to be created to be a *** machine with no personality. It was harmful and homophobic, and I should've never made Jaxton a *** object. I'm working on developing his personality at the moment and actually making him a character instead of a *** toy, but I realize what I did to Jaxton in the past was wrong, very wrong, and I promise to never do anything harmful like that again.
For Quinnton, Quinnton falls into the 'angry black person' stereotype and was the 'macho man' stereotype at first. As you can tell, this is racist and sexist. I've changed his 'macho man' personality a tad over the years, but it's still there. The angry black person stereotype is also still there. Back when I created him, I didn't take racist stereotypes and sexism to mind and didn't research until I passed out like with my newer characters. In fact, I don't think I researched much at all when it came to Quinnton. Anyways, I realized now that Quinnton is a racist and sexist character, And I apologize for this. Because of this, I will no longer be writing or RPing Quinnton. I'll still talk about Quinnton, maybe include him in some q&a stuffs or vines, and maybe show some gacha stuff about him, but no more writing or RPing him.

Once again, I apologize for all the harmful stereotypes I created while making these characters. I was a teen when I made them, and I didn't realize how harmful they were when I made them. I have grown since then, and I promise I won't make these mistakes again.

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