Candy corn is overhated

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How are you?


I accidentally socked myself in the face the other night-


Hey, when I'm done watching all or most of the Disney movies that I haven't seen yet, should I provide a rating list?
Lion King: 10/10
Moana: 9/10
Mulan: 8.5/10
Ratatouille: 2/10
Etc etc?)


Kat: No Halloween stuff until October. None. Nada. Non.
Kat, candy corn and fake tarantula in arms, nails painted orange and dark gray, cat ear headband on head: THIS IS HALLOWEEN THIS IS HALLOWEEN
her family and everyone reading this: ...It's Augus-


Speaking of,
Okay, I'm going to ask a big question:
In your eyes, Is Nightmare Before Christmas a Halloween movie or Christmas movie?
in mine, It's Halloween.
1. A good chunk of the movie is set in Halloweentown
2. 90% of the cast is from Halloweentown
3. The opening number is literally 'This Is Halloween'
4. While Christmas is talked about a lot in the movie and does have Jack becoming Santa Claus, it still has that Halloween vibe to it
5.All of the families in christmastown get Halloween-like presents and deal with those presents until the very end of the movie(thirty to twenty minutes with them!)
6. It was released in October when it came out in theaters
7. The director of The Nightmare Before Christmas confirmed that it was a Halloween movie in an interview

For people who think it's a Christmas movie, I'm curious to see your reasons on why you think so.


Two Incorrect quotes!:
(Both from MBMBaM)

*David and Reina vibing in hell, Adam providing them with a quick visit*
Adam: in my Intro To Criminal Justice class, a student took out a whole lemon and started to peel it. And then she asked me for the time. So I told her, and she went in a sad tone of voice,
Hayley: oh, okay.
Adam: and put the partially peeled lemon back in the-
Reina and David: -*wheeze*
Adam: she put the le-
Reina and David: -*wheezing intensifies*
Adam, getting annoyed: she put the partially peeled lemon back in the bag, almost ashamed of her actions...
Reina and David: *wheezing: the sequel*
Adam: oi, my question is this: what if the situation comes up again? What is a code word I can use so this woman can enjoy her lemon in class? I think she's some kind of citrus sleeper agent and I need advice.

~and Adam never got any advice~


Jaxton, mad at Stormy: I have Spotify open on my computer, do you want me to blast you? Do you want me to put you on blast?
Jaxton: Because I got your history right here in the sidebar:
Take It Back by Jimmy Buffet, Nautical Wheelers by Jimmy Buffet, Jolly Mon Sing by Jimmy Buffet, Steamer by Jimmy Buffet, Treat Her Like A Lady by Jimmy BuffET, Manãna by Jimmy Buffet, WHEN SALOME PLAYS THE DRUM BY JAMES BUFFET, Havana Daydreaming by JIMMY BUFFET.
Jaxton: What the **** HAPPENED to you?
Stormy: I had a case of the mondays!
Jaxton: Are you haunted?
Are you ****ing POSSESSED?! You used to be my sister!
Stormy: *wheeze* I had a case of the mondaysss!

Intermission(Spam book!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя