I think I've already said this before...

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But I'm saying it again in honor of the recent Sanders Asides(no spoilers).
You know those fics whenever Thomas gets a crush it makes Patton act lovey dovey or lustful since he's the heart and love affects the heart?
While those are valid and fun to read,
Love doesn't affect the heart.
Actually, According to science, it affects the brain.
So, what I'm saying is...Logan would be the one to act lovey dovey. Just imagine him hiding in his room until the crush is over because he can't let anyone know that feelings, the bane of his existence, are affecting him. Imagine a side getting concerned and checking on him, only to come across a...strangely flirty and loopy Logan. Imagine that all the sides discover that this happens everytime Thomas thinks about his crush or gets a rush of Phenylethlymine or Norepinephrine. Imagine Thomas' crush making Logan act clingy or flirty to the side that he's closest to. Imagine all the internal angst Logan has when the feeling dies down.
Just imagine.

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