*monster mashes in front of a giant fake spiderweb*

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How are you all on this spoopy day?


Also, what are y'all gonna do for halloween?

My family is gonna watch Hocus Pocus with popcorn and candy corn! Ontop of that, we're gonna watch it in the basement with all the upstairs lights off!
(But I can't wait until covid is over so I can be invited to a Halloween party-)


Now back to this spam being annoyingly self centered


THE SATISFACTION when the song you couldn't sing a few years back is now a song that you can actually sing kinda decently now


Okay, so in Delightful Moomin discord, we're discussing on what Groke meat would taste like. So far, we have:
-Wendigo like meat that's more dense and fatty. Would also cause you to get existential dread and social anxiety upon eating it.
-nothing. She's like a ghost like creature that doesn't have any meat to her.
-black licorice
-blueberry pudding
-no meat, but has magical blood that can be used to turn you invisible

And with all of that, I'm wondering...what do you guys think Groke meat tastes like?


I hate that everytime I look at a normal Cooking Mama ad or watch a normal Cooking Mama gameplay, I get war flashbacks to the knock off Cooking Mama I played by PETA, where there was buckets of blood and gore in every game. Oh, and If you screwed up, Mama would pop up out of nowhere, pissed, and point a cleaver knife at you. I hated and still hate it. I just want to watch a Cooking Mama ad or gameplay without the trauma from playing the knock off version getting in the way. Thanks for traumatizing me, PETA!


Because quaratine has left me touch starved,
Epithet Erased characters on what their hugs would probably be like(hcs and ratings):
(!Spoilers during Ramsey's rating!)(!also mentions of suffocation during Indus' rating and Ramsey's rating!)

Museum trio-

Molly: gentlest hugs to ever exist. Aaaaa protect this bear cub. 9/10.

Giovanni: One hug a day helps minions take over the sweet jazz city bay. And also let's them know that they're cool. 9/10

Sylvie: this lovable bastard empath is not used to hugs, and would would only hug you if needed. If you try to get him to hug you for any other reason, he'd definitely push you away or snap at you. But if you need a hug, Sylvie would probably be hesitant and wonder if he's doing it right during the hug. After reassurances, he'd hug as long as the person wants to. 8/10.

Why do I like these characters sm-

Mera: doesn't hug due to her epithet and due to her cold nature. And probably the fact that she doesn't like hugs. But if she did hug, they'd be awkward and short because of the  '-2's and '-3's that would pop up repeatedly afterwards. But you can't blame her for that, though. 5/10

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