I'm stressed

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So here's Aspen throughout the years hcs:
(I hope people don't unfollow me for this-)

Teen years(13-17):

-Self esteem? Low
-still kind? Yup
-more rebellious? Definitely
-gets annoyed at everything? Uh-huh
-still believes bear cub manipulation works? Oh yeah
-hotel? Trivago
-besides those, I'd imagine that she becomes more confident in showing her negative emotions
-however, when others show their negative emotions, she still feels a wave of anxiety take over and tries to comfort them as quick as she can before someone gets mad at them
-Aspen starts sneaking away from work and her home more than usual. However, it's easier to get caught because she's grown and it was easier to sneak away when she was a cub
-that doesn't stop her from trying to escape, though
-Still mute
-Draws on just tree bark with her claw now, will only draw on whatever in sight if she's upset
-hair is a bit longer, but still messy with leaves and twigs
-if modern au, and this also goes for cub Aspen, she'd probably wear a hoodie over her traditional dress out of rebellion

Young adult(18-20):

-more mature and responsible, but still a bit childish
-hair is longer and a bit cleaner, but still very messy and has the occasional twig or leaf
-oh, forgot a key thing: she gets her voice back!
-haven't decided how she gets her voice back yet
-once she gets her voice back, she bursts and snaps her parents on what she has wanted to say all those years of being silent
-and for the first time in her life, she feels proud of herself
-she then packs up her stuff and sneaks out the window instead of using the door
-Aspen goes to live at a friend's house
-yes, she made a friend other than Snufkin! Aspen met her when Aspen was 17. I'll provide a how they met story sometime if you want.


-cheerful, mature, and responsible
-Aspen married the friend she was living with, and now they're cottagecore lesbians
-they now run a mini bakery business: Aspen's wife bakes while Aspen takes orders and draws the possible designs for the baked treats.
-Aspen doesn't wear traditional dresses anymore, and is happy that she can now wear what she wants(which was a fashion disaster at first, but with some help, she found a perfect cottagecore style)
-stuck with her rebellious habits. She's trying to break them, but it's tough. Luckily, Her wife is by her side and tries to help her break it
-gets nightmares about her home sometimes, now knows it's not okay to repress and it's okay to ask for comfort
-still has her bear cub eyes manipulation habit and still believes it works
-her and Snufkin's sister and brother like friendship drifted away over the years, but last time she heard, he's married to Moomintroll
-they're not going to have cubs anytime soon due to how Aspen and Aspen's wife are busy with their business and because Aspen doesn't really want any cubs right now(shocker, I know)(but it might change, you never now)
-overall, Aspen got the life she wanted, and she wouldn't trade it for the world.

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