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How are you?


So, I heard from a reliable source of info that the hackers during the Wattpad security breech are thinking that the location you put in your bio is your actual location.
With that said, if you have a serious location, change it to something fictional that fits your aesethic or change it to someplace vague.
Also, to the hackers,
Good luck trying to sell my personal info when Rydell High doesn't exist!


Okay, me and my brother are currently going through a debate on who's the better comedian: Bo Burnham or John Mulaney.
Because of our current debate, I'm curious...
Which one is better? Bo Burnham or John Mulaney?


...a duck walked up to the lemonade stand-


For Six: The Musical fans who's favorite queen is Katherine Howard or feel bad for Katherine Howard:
One fact about her life that will make you angry and one satisfying fact about her abusers!-
1. (Fact that will make your blood boil) Katherine's step-grandmother(Agnes Tilney, Duchess Of Norfolk) once caught Katherine being taken advantage of by Mannox. She swiftly pulled Katherine away from Mannox's grasp, but instead of asking if Katherine was okay and taking her far away from Mannox, Katherine's step-grandmother proceeded to give Katherine three blows to the head(before Katherine passed out) in front of Mannox while screaming that it was her fault.
2. (Fact that will make you feel satisfied)After Katherine's beheading, Francis Dereham, Henry Mannox, and Thomas Culpepper were all brought into questioning on if they forced Katherine to commit adultry. In the end, Mannox was deemed innocent and was let go. Dereham and Culpepper, however...they were executed for what they did to Katherine.
(In a really brutal way, I may add. However, to make sure you guys don't get sick, I won't share the details of their execution. But I will let you know that Dereham got a worse execution than Culpepper, and that their decapitated heads were proudly displayed(that was entertainment for Tudor times...) on the London bridge)


Speaking of Six,
Why does Heart Of Stone always drain me emotionally everytime I sing or lipsync it?




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