Awaaaaay in a tacoooo no spice for my lambbbb

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What's up?


My brother thinks that Moomin is for kids, and I keep trying to prove to him that, while it's for kids, it's also for a older audience, too, but he won't listen...
With that said...Any dark Moomin episodes or comics I can show him to prove that it's not just for kids?


We could've had it-

We could've had it-

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I wanna draw baby Sylvie from Epithet Erased but I have NO CLUE how to draw babies-
(It sucks, because I wanted to draw a sleeby baby Sylvie wearing a 'beep beep ima sheep' onesie)


2019 Kat: this year is going great so far! I bet 2020 will be even better!
2020 Kat: ...
2020 Kat: yeah about that-


In the midst of wondering weither I'm having a seizure or a panic attack the other night, I tried to write a moominsona:
-her name's Peach
-around 18-20 years old
-haven't decided what creature she is yet(but I do know that she definitely has a tail)
-aspiring writer with constant writers block
-sweet and enthusiastic but will not hesitate to fight someone in the Denny's parking lot
(-Also easily stressed)
-asks questions that always gets on everybody's nerves
-wears glasses that always fall off her face
-never brushes her hair or fur
-desperately wants hugs and friends
-scared of the dark


I know I asked this on my mb buttt...
What are some rule ideas or ideas in general for a snowball fight?
Also, if a person threw a snowball at someone with a rock in it, would the other person get injured or nah?
(I'm asking these because google wasn't much help and I'm writing something with a snowball fight in it)


Unnus Annus is ending tomorrow...
Look, I'm not a fan of Markilplier or Crankgameplays, but their friendship during the entirety of Unnus Annus was so wholesome and I'm going to miss it so much.
Sigh...Memento Mori, everyone.


Scorpia coming across Bow on the boat: this bish empty
Scorpia: YEET


What Reina would probably say if she was in an episode of Hazbin:
(!TW!: religious mention and loads of swearing)(this'll probably ruin her character but oh welp)

"Oh, I'm Reina baazzkill. Perhaps you know me, I'm famous!""no you're not!""*one headbutt later* anyway, I'm famous!"

"I...I did something good! God, put on my Angel wings, I'm finally free from this place!"

"Why are you acting so baa!tchy? I was only being honest."

"I had everything. Everything until that piece of sh!t came into the world."

"No, I didn't ****ing call for that fake sh!t, I called for the real sh!t. I don't care that it took you all day, give me the real sh!t!"

'Is it working?? Are they surrounding me like I need hel-No?! **** you guys!'


Okay but imagine:

Sanders Sides Wolf Children AU.

Patton is Hana.

Janus is the wolf man(or, in this case, snake boi).

Remus is Yuki.


Virgil is Ame.

(I have no clue who would be Souhei tbh)


I would post this on insta but the person I'm talking about's sister follows me on there and I don't want her finding out...
Remember during the last spam when I talked about my girl crush from a few years back?
Well, a year later when I was in Newsies, girl crush's sister is in the show(where's girl crush? She was a year older than me and graduated). After a show, I see Girl crush and girl crush's sister talking to each other. When they look free, I decide to approach in my Delancey outfit(which made me look like a 1920s mobster without the coat) and I shyly say hi and ask if girl crush remembers me.
In response, girl crush says along the lines of "Aw, of course I do! C'mere." And hugs me.
It had to be one of the best hugs I've ever received. It was light, but not too loose. Firm, but not too tight. Warm. Very warm. When we pulled away, I felt butterflies again and immediately ducked away backstage without a word, all red in the face.
Haha, even just sharing this story is making me all red in the face...if only I was a bit more confident around her...

Was she just saying "Aw, of course I do! C'mere" because she was just being nice and didn't remember me-


Out of context 90s Moomin quotes:

"*enthusiastically* I'm gonna live in the torture chamber!"

"They're rather sweet when they don't try to eat you."

"I-I suppose you've met the lighthouse keeper, have you?""*incoherent mumbling*"

"You and I should start dating.""wHAT"

"Moominpapa is a highly educated gentleman.""but I am a witch with three diplomas!"


"It sounds like moaning...""it's Moomin and Snufkin!"

"My husband is drowning...""oh, I'm so sorry...Papa, we've got to help them.""...but they tried to eat us, Mama-"

"Leave me alone...mmh...OH MYMBLE"

"*dramatic sighs* *dramatically* alright, grandmother."

"It's nice to see you, Snufkin.""I love this hat."

"You can't get away, stinky."


Ima end this spam heere


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