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^^Keep the header in mind

A Giall/Nace & Hace/Hacey Chapter for y'all. ;)


Harry Styles

"You.. Y-you have to kill her."

He speaks as horror hits me like a metaphorical wall.

"Jacob.. this better be a fucking joke." I grind my teeth.

"I wish it was Styles, I really do. But it really isn't." He confesses.

"We have to have another way. This can't be it." I shake my head. There's no way I'd kill her. I can never do that.

"I'm afraid there isn't."

"But Why do we even need to kill her?"

"Because she's working under Raymond. That fucking bastard has betrayed us. And there's this other guy we don't know the name of, he's dangerous and he's the one helping her. We can't let her Live. Because their operations are all pointed against us. And she's the newest member."

"Wait.. by the other guy do you mean Zayn?" I question searching my mind.

"Yes that might be his name. I'm not sure. But he's fucking dangerous. He has his way with words but he'll fucking burn us to the ground." Jacob says in seriousness.

"He reached her before our people could and got her to work under them. So she has to die. We can't get to them but we can kill her." He says as my mind started cluttering up with stress.

I knew Zayn. I've known him for a long time. He can't be good with Grace. I had to do something about it. He wasn't the right person to have around for her.

I couldn't hear what he said anymore. I was starting to zone out when a thought hit my mind.

"What if we have another way?" I blurt out.

"I told you-"

"What if we get to know their entire plan?"

"What?" He questions.

"Yes. What if we get to know exactly what they're doing and Grace doesn't have to die?" I say hope rising in me.

"What do you mean?" He asks curious.



Grace Evans

The sound of slow repeatative beeping and a strong smell of antiseptic and cleaners are the first things I realise as my senses come back to reality.

I try to open my eyes but the abnormally bright light on the ceiling right above my eyesight makes me pinch them shut again. My head was pounding so hard.

Slowly I open them again seeing the blue and white walls.

Wait. Was I in a hospital? Why?

I look around and see Harry seated at the corner of the chair leaning forward resting his head on his enclosed fist, his elbows propped up on his knees.

I lean back down shutting my eyes trying to move. My whole body was hurting for some reason. There was a needle pierced into my wrist. I let out a small groan as I try to turn to my side.

"Hey." I immediately hear his voice. "You woke up." He gets up and comes to me.

I don't say anything. I didn't want to.

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