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It's one of my favourite Chapters so far! Hope you enjoy it as well :)
Ps- I kind of really like the header ;)

Oh and do read the author's note at the end and lemme know what y'all think :)


Grace Evans

Me and Liam are in the sweater aisle, picking out sweaters when I get a call from Niall.

"Hey Niall." I pick up.

"Iz I think I did something." His voice sounded guilty.

"What did you do?" I pause in my tracks, worried.

"Well uhm- I woke up and saw the text that I had to go to Harry's room so I did and we were having fun but then-"
he was very anxious.

"Niall you can tell me. What's wrong." My stress was through the roof now. Liam walks over looking at me.

"Harry. He fainted." He blurts out.

"WHAT!" I gasp.

"How!? What happened?" I question as Liam furrows his brows wondering what's wrong.

"Well, ok ok I'm sorry." He starts laughing.

"What do you mean? Niall I'm scared here."

"I'm sorry it was Harry's idea don't scold me. Here. Scold him."
He quickly gets off the phone.

"Sexiest man alive speaking"
I hear Harry's voice and I could sense the smirk.

"Harry let me get back I'll teach you a lesson. You scared me you stupid." I scold him.

"I wanted you people to come back soon. I'm getting bored here with his child."
He refers to Niall.

"Hey! I'm not a child. I'm older than you!"
I hear Niall's offended voice.
"Oh and Iz! If you can hear me, get some snacks!"

"Whatever, we'll be back in 15 minutes." I huff hanging up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Liam questions worried.

"Those two. They were messing with me. Saying that Harry fainted." I shake my head.

"Oh. Is he okay?" He looks at me.

"Yeah he's fine." I nod walking over to the pile of red sweaters.

"Red will look good on Harry, yeah?" I question softly touching the material.

"Yeah pretty much everything suits him." He shrugs.

"Finally found you two. Looked around half the mall for you guys."
We hear Louis' voice as I snap my head in his direction.

"You were the one who said to keep walking and you'd catch up."
Liam speaks walking over to him.

"I didn't mean go half the world away." Louis walks over taking a look at whatever I'm going through.

"C'mon tommo."
I blurt out but the moment I realise what I said I face palmed myself.

"Oh my God did she just call me tommo?" His excited voice met my ears.

"I think she did." Liam chuckles amused.

"Yeah so what. That's your nick name." I avoid looking at him.

"It's good to see you're getting comfortable with us."
He swats my shoulder laughing.

I get a sweater holding it at a hand's distance to see the entire fit when Louis stands right behind it with an innocent smile.

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