The Inquisation (History of the World)

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Jr: Ok, let's listen to something that's both a song parody and also a history thing

Deku: What is it about

Jr: The Spanish Inquisition

The video starts in a torture chamber with Eric Cartman.

Inko: Who's that kid

Jr: That's Eric Cartman, I hate him, he doesn't like being called fat, he cursed a lot, he hates Jewish people, and became Hitler at one point

Denki: We still don't know what Hitler even do, other than somehow the "Enemy" in WW2

Jr: Oh, did I mentioned that Cartman have his bully's parents tricked into someone's property just to be shot and killed, have their dead bodies turned into chili, and then tricked the bully into eating in to reveal it, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, as well as licking his tears as he cried of his parents being dead

Everyone was dead silent over what Cartman did.

All pay heed! Now enters his holiness Eric Cartman, the Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition!
Cartman; do not employ him for compassion
Cartman; do not beg him for forgiveness
Cartman; do not ask him for mercy
Let's face it, you can't Cartman anything!

Everyone: (Sweat drops) Seriously

Let all those who wish to confess their evil ways and accept and embrace the true church convert now or forever burn in hell for now begins the Inquisition!

Ibara: Oh no

Kendo: What's wrong

Ibara: I don't know why it just occurred to me now, but the Spanish Inquisition is about the Christians torturing the Jewish people to death

Everyone then was shocked.

Jr: This is one of the reasons why I respect people by their race and religion

(Cartman slides down to the monks)

The Inquisition, let's begin
The Inquisition, look out sin
We have a mission
to convert the Jews (Jew ja Jew ja Jew ja Jews)
We're gonna teach them wrong from right
We're gonna help them see the light
And make an offer that they can't refuse (that the Jews just can't refuse)

Confess (confess, confess)
Don't be boring
Say yes (say yes, say yes)
Don't be dull
A fact you're ignoring
It's better to lose your skullcap than your skull

Oy oy gevalt

The Inquisition, what a show
The Inquisition, here we go

Bakuhoe: I wish they-

We know you're wishin'
That we'd go away



But the Inquisition's here and it's here to stay
The Inquisition, oh boy
The Inquisition, what a joy
The Inquisition, oy oy

[Jewish Man]
I was sitting in a temple
I was minding my own business
I was listening to a lovely Hebrew mass
Then these papus persons plunge in, and they throw me in a
Dungeon, and they shove a red hot poker up my ass
Is that considerate?
Is that polite?
And not a tube of Preparation H in sight

MHA/BNHA Reacts to Bizarre Things by Owen Clanboy Jr.Where stories live. Discover now