Happy Birthday Donald and Della Duck (2022)

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Jr: Hey, I like to make an announcement of my Wife and Brother-in-law's birthday today, because my dumbfuck Author forgot it was today

Della cheerfully kissed Jr.

The Kids: Happy Birthday, Mom and Uncle Donald!!!

Donald and Della hugged the Kids.

Me: I didn't know it was today until a few minutes ago!!!

Della: Well, you should've remembered

Donald: Della, give him some slack, he remembered

Me: Yeah, and I'm tested on Saturday and now my Mom is tested positive, such a bitch that happened

Huey: Language, Author


Deku: That is awful

Daisy: I know, it is

Me: All on the last full week of school too

Rudolf: I hope you feel well

Penumbra: And all on my Roomie's birthday as well

Me: Such unfortunately events...

MHA/BNHA Reacts to Bizarre Things by Owen Clanboy Jr.Where stories live. Discover now