The Hero of Hacksaw Ridge: Desmond Doss (The Incredible Journey)

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Jr: Ok, let's watch a story that you would find him to be a "True Hero" and should be respected

Deku: Who

Jr: I don't know, let's find out :)

The video starts with dramatic music with ships firing, planes shooting, and US soldiers going in landing crafts towards the beaches.

(Dramatic music) (Cannons firing)

All Might: Alright, what Imperial Japanese Territory are they storming in now

It began on the 21st of July, 1944. Allied soldiers landing here at Asan Beach on the Island of Guam. They had to take it back from the Japanese soldiers firing with machine guns and artillery, dug into pillboxes and caves. They had established strong, defensive positions all along this coastline.

Nana: I can't imagine what our world would look like if they won

Jr: It would look like "Man In The High Castle"

(Cannons firing)

It would become one of the crucial battles of the war in the pacific. Many servicemen had to sacrifice their lives. Much blood would be poured out on the Guam beaches. Many casualties would be scattered throughout the island's jungle interior.

Midnight: I don't like the sound of that

Bakuhoe: But what the fuck does this have to do about this stupid "Hero"

Jr: Don't call him stupid, Bakuhoe

And yet, one soldier would make a name for himself by saving lives.

Saitama: Ok

Old Man: Does he only save lives or did he kill some to save the wounded

The screen then shows an image of Desmond Doss.

He refused to bear arms or carry a weapon in the midst of constant enemy fire.

Nighteye: He what?!

Snipe: Why won't he hold any weapons, they are in a war for crying out loud

He was unwilling to take a life or even so much as touch a weapon.


Della: Just because someone is from the enemy side doesn't mean they are bad, they are either forced into it or something else

He did, however, say, that he would be proud to serve his country as a medic if they would let him.

Recovery Girl: I like this medic guy already, what's his name?

Deku: Also, how did he even entered the military if he doesn't want to use a gun

He was the conscientious objector who chose to fight, fight in a way that would help people. He had the wild idea that he could serve his country at war and also obey the command "Thou shalt not kill."

Ibara: He also followed the Commandments, he's like me

No one imagined he could pull that off. Most of his comrades mocked and harassed him. His officers tried to get him discharged, thrown out of the army.

MHA/BNHA Reacts to Bizarre Things by Owen Clanboy Jr.Where stories live. Discover now