SUPER-HERO-BOWL! - TOON SANDWICH (ArtSpear Entertainment)

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Jr: (Jim Carrey) Alrighty then! Time for another Video!

Deku: What's the video today?

Jr: (DenisDaily) This

The video starts with Tom Holland's Peter Parker waking up naked.

???: Arise, Warrior. The Battle is about to begin

Peter Parker: What battle? Where am I?

: Who's this?

A light then shows his Spider-Man suit.

Deku: (Gasps) HE'S SPIDER-MAN?!?!

Jr: Not the first time his identity has been revealed

Doors then open, revealing more people.

Maximus: Something very familiar about this

Then another.


And another.

Gimli: (Gets a Small-ass Door) (Grumbles) So disrespectful


: (Gets Sparta Kicked)

Harry Potter: EXPECTO- (Gets whacked in the head)

Gandalf: The Unexpected

James Bond: My name's Bond. James Bond

Jason Bourne: My name's Jason least I think it is

Jack Bauer: I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer

James Bond: This

He was about to shoot his only movie poster gun, but Jason Borne grabbed his shooting arm and shot Jack Bauer, unloaded the gun, and hit James Bond in the face.

James Bond: Impossible... (Collapses)

Midnight: Damn, Jason Bourne...

It was then revealed to be Ethan Hunt wearing a mask.

Ethan Hunt: Yeah, I get that a lot

Human Torch: Flame on! (Gets Frozen by Iceman)

Iceman: Flame off (Gets Chopped by Jon Snow)

Jon Snow: Die, White Walker! (Gets Arrowed by Katniss Everdeen)

Katniss Everdeen: Die, Snow (Gets Arrowed by Hawkeye)

Hawkeye: Die, Tribute (Gets Arrowed by Legolas)

Legolas: Die, Orc (Gets Arrowed by Neytiri)

Neytiri: Die, Sky People!

Maximus: (Sees himself in a field)

: What is that guy on?!?!

Maximus: (Gets Decapitated by William Wallace)

: Oh shit!!!

William Wallace: FREEDOM (Gets Stabbed by Beatrix Kiddo)

Beatrix Kiddo: Yes! I have finally Killed Bill!

Batman: Fascinating technology. Does it come in black?

All Might: Technical, yes...

That's when Rey stabbed Batman with Luke's Lightsaber.

Rey: No, but it comes in green

A/N: Darksaber: Am I a joke to you!?!?

Batman then collapsed to the ground. Deadpool tries to slash Rey from behind, but got both katanas destroyed.


He then got his arms chopped off.

MHA/BNHA Reacts to Bizarre Things by Owen Clanboy Jr.Where stories live. Discover now