James May HATES His Off-Road Winching Day Out | The Grand Tour

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Jr: Alright people, I'm showing a Video in this Wattpad Story Chapter as Author is running out of ideas to create and made more unfinished/w.i.p. chapters and stories than actually posting shit, so no questions!

The video starts with James May at a muddy field.

Camie: Hey, it's James

James: Mud. Yes, I love mud

Eri: Really?

James: When I say I love mud, I mean I hate mud

Yamikumo: Then what the hell did you say you like it?

"But the people with me here today really do love it. They dream of the stuff."

Peppa Pig: Muddy Puddles!

Lana Loud was rolling around in the mud.

James: These people behind me are called winchers, and what they like doing is winching

Katsuma: Why?

James: They will drive, deliberately, into something like that puddle over there...

An off-roader drove through a deep muddy puddle.

James: ...until they get stuck, and then winch themselves out. When they've done that, they'll find another one... and do it again, and again, and again, and again, all day long

Today, James is riding with Lynn Loud Jr. and Lana Loud in this trip.

Lynn: There are 50 punches dotted around in different parts of the site. We have a punch card on the side of the vehicle. You've got to get this punchcard to the punch. The punch will be on a string maybe 2ft long from the tree, or maybe 1ft. So you've got to punch the number

All Might/James: Like a hole puncher?

Lynn: Yes

James: When you get stuck...

Lynn: Yes

James: ...because you're gonna get stuck...

Lynn: Yes. Yeah, yeah

James: I have to get out and attach the winch to a tree?

Lynn: Yes, you'll get out, and you'll get your strap with you. The strap goes around the tree to protect the tree. Then you bring your wincher up to the tree, or whatever obstacle we attach it to, and I'll operate the buttons

Deku: Wow, that's a lot of information to know for just off-road winching

James: May I ask something?

Lynn: Yeah?

James: Why's she here?

Lana Loud was sitting in the middle seat of the car before waving.

Iida: Why is there a little girl in the car?!

Lynn: Oh, Lana loves mud and I did kinda promised her that she would ride with me in this, so she's gonna be riding with us, and when I said that I'm doing the buttons, she's actually controlling the winch

Iida: This is not proper supervision!!!

Soon, they were ready, and Lynn, being the Athletic Tomboy of her Family, floors it.

MHA/BNHA Reacts to Bizarre Things by Owen Clanboy Jr.Where stories live. Discover now