(in)Sani(ty)-Tours Gone Wrong

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Jr: Ok, today I'm gonna need 3 of our Main Protagonists for this one. And by that, I mean Deku, Zuko, and Spikey Hair

Deku: What?

Shoto: "Zuko"?

Louie: *He means you*


Deku, Shoto, and Bakuhoe then disappeared.

Jr: On with the show!!!

The video starts with Deku, Shoto, and Bakuhoe at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France.


Jr: Because of Plot Reasons

Jr. then handed over the three tickets to a tour around Paris.

Jr: Here's your tour

They then arrived at where their tour is gonna begin. What's weird is the fact they have to wear hats with numbers on them.

Bus Driver: Welcome to Sani-Tours Paris Express, I'll be your guide during your trip to this amazing city. The one thing I ask of you is that you please stay with the group, I've been doing this for 10 years now and I haven't lost anyone yet. Any questions?

Deku then raised his hand.

Bus Driver: Yes, Number Nine

Deku: When do we get to see the Eiffel Tower?

Bus Driver:...Any other questions? Okay then, let's get to it!

Mineta: He didn't even answered his question!

Denki: What an asshole

Deku, Bakuhoe, and Shoto are then on the bus with the rest of the passengers.

Bus Driver: Okay everybody, welcome aboard! We're presently heading downtown to see some of the city's most interesting historical spectacles, so get your cameras ready. Now if you all direct your attention on the left side of the bus, you'll see a genuine French waste management receptacle. Oh wow, over there on your right, if you switch your eyes, that cloud kinda looks like bacon and eggs. Quick, over there on your left, man that's gotta be the ugliest person I've ever seen

Nana: Hey, that's rude

Bakuhoe: This tour is shit

Aoyama: Yeah, there's nothing interesting while the interesting things are just close by over there!

Shoto then sees the Eiffel Tower in the distance.

Shoto: The Eiffel Tower is right there, but it seems like we're going towards it

Deku: But why is the Bus Driver not taking us to the more interesting wonders of France?

Bus Driver: Coming up on your left you might see-

Bakuhoe: I can give a better tour than this Dumbass here

Bus Driver: HELLO! HAVE WE ALL FORGOTTEN WHO'S GIVING THE TOUR HERE...?! As I was saying, up ahead there's a park where I counted at least 457 pigeons at one time. Did you know that they eat pigeons here in France, of course they call them "dijons" or squab. You see so many interesting things when you're driving a bus

Aoyama: That is indeed true, but the incorrect thing is the route the tour is going through! The wonders of Paris is more interesting than this!

Huey: And to top that off, driving a bus is actually more stressful due to traffic, long hours of maintaining the bus and its schedule, and annoying passengers

MHA/BNHA Reacts to Bizarre Things by Owen Clanboy Jr.Where stories live. Discover now